world war 1

By Ben_22
  • unrestricted submarine warfare

    unrestricted submarine warfare
    germans announced that their subs would sink without warning any ships in the water around
  • assination of archduke franz ferdinand and his wife sophia

    assination of archduke franz ferdinand and his wife sophia
    In 1914 a black hand member from Serbia shot and killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and his wife Sophia in a parade.
  • schlieffen plan

    schlieffen plan
    It was a plan that a large part of germany would race west to deffeat france. Then travel east to fight and deffeat russia
  • battle of tannenberg

    battle of tannenberg
    At the end of August 1914 germany counter-attacked near the town tannenberg. During the 4 day batttle that followed the germans crushed the invading Russian army and drove it into full retreat.
  • First battle of Marne

    First battle of Marne
    Germany declared war on great britian
  • gallipoli campaign

    gallipoli campaign
    British, Austrailian, New Zealand, and French troops made repeated assaults on the gallopoli penninsula on the western side of the strait
  • Battle of verdun

    Battle of verdun
    In febuary 1916 the Germans launched a huge attack on the french near verdun. Both sides lost more than 300,000 soliders. The war ended in December 18, 1916
  • zimmerman note

    zimmerman note
    It was a note to the German ambassador in Mexico. The message said that germany would help Mexico "reconquer" land it had lost to the united states if they allied with Germany
  • U.S.A entry

    U.S.A entry
    The U.S joined the war in 1917 because because the germans wanted to ally with the mexicans and start conquering land in the U.S that mexico lost
  • second battle of marne

    second battle of marne
    Was a battle between Allies and germans. The allies lead the attack with 350 tanks which smashed through german lines. 2 million more U.S soliders joined the fight.