1917 BCE
Bolshevik Revolution
Russia known as the Bolshevik Revolution overthrew the czar and replaced the monarchy with a republican form of government. When the new government announced its intention to continue the war with Germany, the Russian people, who were weary of the conflict, ended up revolting again. -
german enpire.
the German states merged together forming, the German Empire. While in the middle of building their strong military they stayed at peace with other countries, with the exception of its long-time rival, France. -
nationalism was growing in Europe, Nations sought through territorial expansion and colonization to support their material and fiscal needs. This movement was known as imperialism. European nations began to look beyond their boards for material needs. -
US attacks
The United States didn't listen to the German's warnings by continuing to ship supplies to the Allies. When a German U-boat crashed the British passenger ship, the Lusitania and killed over one thousand passengers including 124 Americans President Wilson retreated from the action. -
Their military drive began, Russia moved on to the Baltic states. Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania then we forced to permit Russian military installations within their borders. -
Great Retreat.
a power attack from the French followed along the entire front, and the Germans were forced to retreat. Along the Marine River, the French found a gap in the German line and poured everything they had into the Battle of the Marne. Frances's attack saved Paris. -
On June 28, 1914, a member of a Serbian secret party shot and killed Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne, along with his wife. After this had happened Austria punished the Serbs. A few weeks after. meanwhile, the countries of Europe were preparing for war, even though no one believed that war was coming.