Machine Guns
Most machine guns of World War 1 were based on Hiram Maxim's 1884 design. They had a sustained fire of 450–600 rounds per minute. Sources: https://www.historynet.com/weapons-of-world-war-i.htm -
Development of Alliances
Development of Alliances
If Serbia and Austria-Hungary just had a small war and did not bring Germany, Russia, Britain and France into the picture, then it would have been a much smaller war that wouldn't have ended in a World War. Countries that belong to the Triple Alliance; Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. Countries that belong to the triple Entente; Britain, France, and Russia.
Sources book -
First Canada Division Arrives
The first canadian division arrived in France in December of 1914. Sources https://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/remembrance/history/first-world-war/road-to-vimy-ridge/vimy2 -
The Assasinaton of the Arch of Duke of Austria-Hungary
On Sunday, 28 of June 1914, at 10:45 am, Franz Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated in Sarajevo, the capital of Austria-Hungary. The killer was Bosnian from Serbia. The killing of Franz Ferdinand started a chain of events which sparked the start of World War 1. World War 1 ended on June 20, 1919 five years after the killing of Franz Ferdinand. Sourese
https://www.history.com/news/how-a-wrong-turn-started-world-war-i -
Triple alliance
The triple alliance was an alliance between Germany, Italy and Austria-hungary. Sources notes. -
The Second Battle Of Ypres
Who was fighting in the second battle of Ypres? The German Empire; France, Belgium and Great Britain. Where? The second battle of Ypres was located in Belgium on the border of France. Circumstances; This was the first time chlorine gas had been used. The Germans used it against the french Canadiens and the British. The effect of the gas on the French was greater than the German infantry had anticipated. -
Second Battle Of Ypres
They ended up using 200 tons of chlorine gas. Casualties; 59,000 British, 6,500 Canadiens, 22,000 French and 35,000 Germans. Significance; the battle of Ypres started on 22 April and ended on the 25 of May. They wet masks with water or peed on the masks to not breath the chlorine gas in. -
Second Battle Of Ypres
https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/germans-introduce-poison-gas https://www.google.com/search?q=significance+of+the+second+battle+of+ypres&rlz=1CAEZTK_enCA928&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=9f77q-UhfPmWjM%252C3H8zTWxzxlhEGM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kSqAXx2ZmJ1dbDc5kOs3h6qTkzImQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiSic73sbLtAhWDFjQIHfxHC6MQ_h16BAgREAE&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=9f77q-UhfPmWjM -
Technology in World War 1
The biggest change of World War 1 was the improvement of the machine gun by an American; Hiram Maxim. In 1916, German machine gunners killed 60,000 British soldiers in one day. They also started developing guns on airplanes. Another drastic change is chlorine gas, which has many uses but its main use in World War 1 was for a chemical weapon. -
Manitoba Women Get To Vote
What year did women get to vote? Women got to vote on January 28, 1916. Manitoba became the first province in Canada to let women vote. In 2016 it had been 100 years since women were allowed to vote in a provincial election. Sources https://cfc-swc.gc.ca/commemoration/cent/index-en.html#:~:text=2016%20marks%20100%20years%20since,the%20franchise%20to%20women%20voters. -
The Battle Of The Somme
Who fought in the battle of Somme; the British and French fought the Germans in trench warfare for 18 months. When? The battle of the Somme started on July 1st, 1916 and ended on November 18, 1916.
Where was the battle of the Somme? The battle was located in France on the banks of the Somme River.
Circumstances; in total 300,000 were killed or declared missing. The goal of the battle was for the Allied forces to take 24 km of the River Somme from the Germans. -
The Battle Of the Somme
The battle was between the British Empire and France versus the German troops.
Significance; the battle of the Somme was the bloodiest battle in history resulting in 60,000 casualties and 20,000 deaths. The Battle of the Somme was the first battle to use tanks. Many broke or could only travel 4 km.
https://www.history.co.uk/article/battle-of-the-somme-facts -
Income Tax
Personal income tax was introduced in the War of Taxes in 1917. The Profits War Tax introduced a tax based on yearly income to most Canadians. They had to pay income tax to pay for the war because the war was really expensive.
Sourses https://wartimecanada.ca/document/world-war-i/taxation/income-tax-1917 -
The Conscription Crisis
The federal government decided in 1917 to conscript young men for overseas military service. Prime Minister Borden believed he was going to lose so he gave women the right to vote.Eastern Canada opposed it because they could not speak the same language, and they can’t leave for war or their crops will die out. Sources https://www.warmuseum.ca/firstworldwar/history/life-at-home-during-the-war/recruitment-and-conscription/conscription-1917/ -
The Kaki Election
What is the Kaki election? It is a national election which is heavily influenced by wartime or post war segments.
The Kaki election was named after the uniforms they wore. The Military Service Act of 1917 was a controversial law allowing the conscription of Canadian men for service in the final years of the first World War. -
Trench warfare
A trench system may begin simply as a collection of foxholes hastily dug by troops using their entrenching tools. Sources: https://www.britannica.com/topic/trench-warfare -
The Russian Revolution
What happened in Russia? the Russian Revolution; The Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, seized power and destroyed the tradition of czarist rule. The Bolsheviks would later become the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. In October of 1917, Lenin took full control of the government in what is called the Bolshevik Revolution. Russia was now the first communist country in the world. -
The Russian Revolution
In October of 1917, Lenin took full control of the government in what is called the Bolshevik Revolution. Russia was now the first communist country in the world. After the revolution, Russia exited World War I, by signing a peace treaty with Germany; called the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and ended the war. Sources: https://www.history.com/topics/russia/russian-revolution -
The Battle Of Vimy Ridge
Who fought in the battle of Vimy Ridge? United kingdom, Canada and the German Empire.
The battle of Vimy Ridge was located in Vimy Ridge, France. The battle was on the west front in Northern France.
Circumstances of the battle; the first wave had 18,000 Canadian troops, many of them heavily loaded with equipment.
Significance of the battle of Vimy ridge; this was the first time Canada's all 4 divisions troops attacked at the same time to take out the Vimy ridge. -
The Battle Of Vimy Ridge
The Battle of Passchendaele
Who fought in the battle of Passchendaele? The German and Allied armies had fought for 3 years.
Where? On Ypres on the western front in Belgium.
Circumstances of the Battle of Passchendaele, also known as the Third Battle of Ypres, was fought during the first World War from July 31 to November 10, 1917.
Significance; the battle of Passchendaele was the 3rd largest to take place in Belgium..
The battle ended in an allied victory. -
The Battle of Passchendaele
Sources: https://thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/battle-of-passchendaele https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/battle-of-passchendaele#:~:text=The%20Battle%20of%20Passchendaele%2C%20also,been%20deadlocked%20for%20three%20years. https://www.britannica.com/event/Battle-of-Passchendaele -
Armistice Day takes place on November 11th each year and marks the end of the First World War. An occasion to remember the some 8.5 million soldiers who died across the world during the 1914–18 war, as well as those lost in the conflicts that followed. Source: https://yesterday.uktv.co.uk/blogs/article/ww1-armistice/