World War 1

  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia

    Russia formally ordered mobilization in the four military districts facing Galicia, it common front with the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Ineffectual bombardment of Belgrade across the Danube River. This event basically started World War 1.
  • Germany declares war on Russia

    Germany declares war on Russia
    This started four days after Austria- Hungary declared war on Serbia. Russia and Germany were the two powerful empires that called war on each other. Russia's ally, France, began its own mobilization. It divided Britain's move towards war as well.
  • Germany and France declared war on each other

    A conflict originally centered in the tumultuous Balkans region, with the assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife. The fist wave of German troops assembled on the frontier of neutral Belgium, which in accordance with German armies. This had threaten Belgium.
  • Battle of Mulhouse begins

    French troops launch their first attack. French had lost to Germany in the settlement. The Commander in Chief Joseph Joffre intended to anchor the French recapture of Alsace and provide a base for further French operation to the north. In this battle they fought throughout the day and even overnight.
  • German Fires

    The Germans fire shells filled with chlorine gas at Allied lines. This is the first time that large amounts of gas are used for battle. Germans couldn't figure out how to use the beach to their advantage.
  • Allies land at Suvla Bay

    Allied forces commanded by Sir Frederick Stopford land at Suvla Bay. The had launch a fresh attack against Turkish and German forces on the Gallipoli Peninsula. Hamilton attempted to reinvigorate the Allied campaign with an offensive push from positions of the Australia and New Zealand Army Corps against the Turks.
  • The Battle of Jutland

    The major naval battle of the war, begins.
  • First Tanks

    First Tanks
    The British employ the first tanks ever used in battle. They used them to break through barbed wire and clearing their path. Tanks are still primitive, but they failed to use decisive weapons.
  • Zimmerman Tellegram

    British intelligence gives Wilson the so-called Zimmermann Telegram. Germany promises to return to Mexico where they lost.
  • Mutiny breaks out on German battleship

    British forces settling into new positions captured from the Germans in the much- contested. Germany faces more trouble closer to home. Mutiny had 400 sailors march into town calling for an end to the war. They didn't want to fight any longer.
  • China declares war on Germany

    China declares war on Germany
    China abandons its neutrality and declares war on Germany. Great War was by no means confined to the European continent. The biggest German overseas naval base, located on the Shantung Peninsula in China. Chinese anger over the demands to justify his bid for restoring the monarchy and installing himself as emperor. He reigned only briefly, however, before opposition from China's military leaders forced him to return the country to a republican form of government.
  • Battle of Langemarck

    A renewed thrust of the Allied offensive launched at the end of July in the Flanders region of Belgium. British troops capture the village of Langemarck from the Germans. Initial assault met with less success than had been anticipated. Allied troops reached near-exhaustion as the Germans reinforced their positions in the region with reserve troops released from the Eastern Front.
  • Battle of Amiens

    Allies launch a series of offensive operation against German positions on the Western Front. The bulk of the German army was exhausted. These actions must succeed each other at brief intervals, so as to embarrass the enemy in the utilization of his reserves and not allow him sufficient time to fill up his units.
  • German crown council at Spa

    Germany summons his principal political and military leaders to a crown council at Spa. Allied victory at Amiens kicked off a new Allied offensive on the western Front.
  • Weimar Constitution adopted in Germany

    A member of the Social Democratic Party and provisional president of the German. They wrote up a new constitution, known as the Wiemar Constitution. Germany had defeat at te hands of the Allied powers on the battlefields.