World War 1

  • Great War Begins

    Great War Begins
    War erupted due to the Austrian heir being assassinated by Serbian gang member.
  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    This was an immediate cause. It caused Serbia and Austria to go to war.
  • Kaiser declares "open season" on ships

    Naval Warfare became a big deal. Germany used their naval forces and attacked against the allies.
  • Lusitania sank

    This was a British ocean liner that was sunk by the German submarines which caused a major war conflict.
  • Battle of the Somme

    First great offensive of WWI, created a critical British attitude toward the war. They began improving their tactics, the French attacked at the Somme.
  • Wilson is re-elected

    Democrat President Wilson was re-elected for office, he won.
  • ZImmerman note intercepted

    A telegram intercepted by the British intelligence, offering financial help to Mexico only if during any US-German conflict, they serve as a german ally.
  • US declares war on Germany

    President Wilson requested from congress to declare war against Germany because of their unrestricted submarine warfare.
  • Selective Service Act

    Raised a national army for the US to enter the war.
  • Convoy system

    Convoy system
    Merchant vessels sailing together, they are used for protection and security.
  • Espionage Age passed

    Prohibited the use of foul speech/language, disloyal or profane comments concerning the government.
  • Russia removes themselves from the war

    Germany settled peace with Russia and they retracted from the war.
  • Flu Epidemic

    Killed between 20 to 40 million people during World War 1 and is know as the most devastating epidemics recorded.
  • Fourteen Points Speech

    A speech given by President Wilson promoting and concerning the main principles addressing peace in order to end World War I.
  • Sedition Act passed

    This Act was an expansion on the Espionage Act, it broadened the expression of negative opinions towards the government and war.
  • Germany Signs Armistice

    Germany signed a treaty ending the war on the 11th hour of the 11th day in the 11th month. Signed it with the allied powers in a railroad car.