World War 1

  • When did WW1 Start?

    When did WW1 Start?
    Gavrilo Princip assassinates Franz Ferdinand and Austro-Hungary Empire declares war on Serbia. Gavilo Princip was a Bosnian Serbian who was a "Freedom Fighter", he wanted unification for all Yugoslavs.
  • Ottoman Empire Begins

    Ottoman Empire Begins
    Germany and Turkey sign a secret letter of alliance making them partners. This created thye Ottoman Empire which was soon to be heavily involveled in World War 1.
  • Ottoman Empire Declares War

    Ottoman Empire Declares War
    The Ottoman Empire declares war on France a day after the letter of alliance was signed.
  • Britain Helps Belgium

    Britain Helps Belgium
    Germany tries to take over Belgium so Britain decides to join Belgium so that they both could defeat Germany and prevent Belgium, France and Russia from being captured. Germany`s plan was called the Schlieffen Plan.
  • Austro-Hungary Invades Russia

    Austro-Hungary Invades Russia
    The Austro-Hungary Empire decides to invade Russia.
  • Germans Use Gas Bombs

    Germans Use Gas Bombs
    Germany attacks its allies with Chlorine Gas Bombs. This move neither helped or hindered them as they didn`t get attacked but couldn`t gain any ground.
  • Germans Sink Passenger Ship

    Germans Sink Passenger Ship
    German U-Boats (Submarines) sink a passenger ship called Lucitania with Americans onboard. This move suspended the use of U-Boats for quite some time afterwards.
  • German U-Boats Suspended

    German U-Boats Suspended
    Kaiser Wilhelm Suspends the use of German U-Boats for Restricting Supplies From America to Franch and Britain.
  • Britains First Tanks

    Britains First Tanks
    Britain uses tanks in Battle but the tanks arn`t strong enough to stop the German Artillary.
  • German U-Boats Re-esntated

    German U-Boats Re-esntated
    The German U-Boats are given permition to operate again after they were seized due to the sinking of the passenger ship, Lucetania.
  • America Enters WW1

    America Enters WW1
    American enters World War One on France and Britains side to defeat Germany. This was no suprise because the Germans sunk a ship with Americans on-board.
  • German And Russia Allies

    German And Russia Allies
    German signs a peace treaty with Russia`s new Bolshevic Governmant and becomes allies.
  • Kaiser Wilhelm Leaves

    Kaiser Wilhelm Leaves
    Kaiser Wilhelm leaves Germany and his Army for dead and escapes to the Netherlands where he lived out his life away from the war.
  • Armistance Day

    Armistance Day
    At Eleven O'Clock on the Eleventh of November 1918, the Last Shot was Fired and World War 1 was Over. In Australia, we Celebrate Armistance Day (Remembrance Day) with Prayers, Speeches, Reef Laying, The Last Post Followed by One Minutes Silence then followed by the Reveille.