World War 1

  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassination

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassination
    The heir to the Astro- Hungarian throne, Archduke was assassinated in Saravejo, Bosnia by Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip.
  • Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia

    Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia
    Austria-Hungary ignores Serbia's radiness to seek a peaceful end to the crisis and declares war.
  • Battle of Marne

    Battle of Marne
    A French army attacked the first flank of the German's army in the first month of World War 1. This happened due to a change in the Schlieffen Plan that exposed Germany's right flank. This allowed France to attack.
  • Gallipoli

    British, Australian, and New Zeland troops enterd the Gallipoli penisula, and while French troops were figting on the south side and on august there was another landing on Suvla Bay in the same peninsula. even though the Allies got that far they were unable to move foward.
  • SSLustania sinks

    SSLustania sinks
    The passanger ship SS Lusitania was sunked while navigating tours Ireland by Germany because they thought it was carrying munitions.
  • Capital Target

    Capital Target
    The first German airship attack. there were 51 airships the droped 220 tons of boms killing 557 and wounding 1358.
  • The battle of Verdum

    The battle of Verdum
    In the city of Verdum, Germany launched a huge attack on Verdum wich is a fortified French city close to Germany.
  • Battle of Cambrai

    Battle of Cambrai
    Duglas Heig the Britan commander approved to ambushed the germans. The attack started at 6:20 and the Germans were suprised of how much artillerity rolling around. that was the first british tanks wre used in that battle.
  • Russia pulls out of war.

    Russia pulls out of war.
    When Vladimir Lenin (communist) was elected and he was against the war and wanted to Immediately pull out the war.
  • Armistice and peace.

    Armistice and peace.
    At 11 AM on the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 the guns of Europe went silent after more than four years of war.