World War 1

  • caused world war 1

    the assassination of Franz Ferdinand sparks what will become world war 1
  • Period: to

    World War 1

  • world war 1 begins

  • germans fire at the french

    the germans fire shells filled with chlorine gas, but the germans could not take control of the breach still
  • Lusitania sinks

    germans sink the ship which carried over a thousand passengers 128 of them are americans
  • first tanks

    British deploy the first tanks at delville woods
  • zimmerman telegram

    the zimmerman telegram was intercepted by the british which in turn sent it to wilson. the telegram was on its way to mexico from the germans to see if the mexicans would help them and in return they would give them texas, arizona, and new mexico
  • germany and russia peace

    russia gives land to germany that used to be Ukraine and Poland
  • battle of cantingy

    the first major american offensive of the war
  • belleau woods ends

    the farthest german advance on paris
  • the battle of st. mihiel

    300,000 americans fling themselves at german lines