71ziwpyohjl. sx425

World views timeline

  • 700 BCE

    The classic era

    The classic era
    The classic period was a time for learning, order, and stability in the world. This painting represents the order and leaning that went on during the time of the Classic Era.
  • 476

    The middle ages

    The middle ages
    The Middle Ages were the time of crusade, knights and ladies. It was a chaotic time in the world, and I believe that this painting represents the chaos that was felt throughout Europe when the Roman Empire fell. It was a time of uncertainty throughout the world. It seemed like the only hope for the world was the Catholic church.
  • 1300

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    The Renaissance was a time for rebirth, for art, science, and philosophy. Europe moved away from ideas like the end of the world and the church having total control. I think that this painting represents the learning and values of the Renaissance period.
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    The Enlightenment values where those of reason and logic. The ideas of people using their common sense and logic where very popular. I think that this painting of the signing of the Declaration of Independence represents the ideas of the Enlightenment.
  • The Romantic era

    The Romantic era
    The Romantic Era was a pull away from the Enlightenment. The Romantic Era is focused on the search for divine purpose.Through music art and poetry. This painting represents the ideas of being a free individual who does whatever he or she wants.
  • The Victorian Era

    The Victorian Era
    The Victorian Era was a time of economic growth, prosperity and order. It was a return to the Classic ideas of the traditional family, science, and order. This painting represents the ideas of order that were popular during the time of the Victorian era.
  • The Modern Worldview

    The Modern Worldview
    The Modern Era was a time for new ideas, and important discoveries. Artists began to turn away from realism, and art began judging paintings by preference, and symbolism. I think this painting represents the age of scientific advancement that went on during the Modern era.
  • Postmodern Worldview

    Postmodern Worldview
    I think the Postmodern worldview focuses primarily on equality through art music and media. And this painting represents those ideas because people are focused on how it makes them feel, and everyone can chose to interpret this painting differently.