World since great war 2

  • Period: 266 to 271

    Second Great War

    The Second Great War
  • 271

    Hybretian Economy collapses

  • 271

    Lirrah and Apexine Republic Unite

  • Period: 271 to 280

    Hybretian Depression

  • 274

    Samson-Eyerett-Sharein Accord on War Crimes

  • 283

    Arpad Restoration

  • 285

    New Hybris Riots

  • Period: 285 to 302

    Hybretian Culture Wars

  • Period: 288 to 289

    Pandrosi-Acrenian War

  • Period: 288 to 295

    Pandrosi Expanion into Galatia

  • Period: 291 to 295

    First Nichibotsu-Fung War

  • Period: 293 to 299

    Drevilian-Dionian War

  • Period: 298 to 300

    Areian Civil War

  • 300

    Empress Ana murdered by bodyguards

  • 301

    Emperor Joshua I & III Abdicates the Gretian Throne

  • 301

    Gretian Empire becomes United Federal Commonwealth

  • 302

    August War

  • 302

    Mila, Empress Dowager, assassinated in Luton

  • Period: 303 to 330

    Fung Civil War

  • 305

    Twelve Days War

  • Period: 307 to 310

    Great Northern War

  • 310

    United Federal Commonweath absorbs Apex-Lirrach

  • 311

    Dirirabwyn Treaty on The Conduct of War

  • 311

    Kolanski-Templari'i War

  • Period: 311 to 311

    Great Scuffle

  • Period: 312 to 323

    Kolanski-Nichibotsu War

  • Period: 315 to 320

    Second Nichibotsu-Fung War

  • Period: 315 to 330

    Eudeon Independence Movements

  • Period: 315 to 319

    Third Great War

  • 318

    Empress Lenara forced to Abdicate

  • 318

    Nuclear Test at Mahant

  • 318

    National Emancipation Act (Hybroikoi)

    The bill, which removed the mandatory service requirement for all Hybretians also removed the guaranteed housing, employment, and food policies of the military. Two decades later, New Hybris's unemployment rate was 6.5%, a four year low, and the cities poverty rate was 35.6% percent
  • 319

    Iksis acheives independence

  • 320

    Lortetskiy Steelworks Riot

  • 321

    Nichibotsu Empire invades Kolanski Eudeon

  • 322

    Nichibotsu launch first Aircraft Carrier

  • 322

    Dirirabwyn Non-Proliferation Treaty

  • 323

    Elohim Consolidated Anti-Nuclear Treaty

  • Period: 330 to 336

    Cordolvan Oil Strikes

  • 331

    Foulkesmille Volcanic Eruptions

  • Period: 331 to 333

    Second Northern War

  • Period: 332 to 340

    Second Eudeonic War

  • Period: 333 to 338

    Makriaudian Revolts

  • 334

    Kordynian Economic Crisis

  • 335

    Pandrosi Invasion of Dirirabwyn

  • 335

    Trier Universtiy Shootings

  • Period: 335 to 336

    Pandrosi Revolution

  • 336

    Drekheim Rail Disaster

  • 336

    Radio agus Teilifís Garmánach (RTG) forms

  • 336

    Kordowyn Abolishes Monarchy

  • Period: 336 to 338

    Kygonese Crime Spree

  • 337

    Hybro-Kolanski Act of Union

  • 337

    Gretian-Pandrosi Trade Intervention against New Brixia

  • 337

    Kordynian Republican Government collapses

  • 337

    Nichibotsu Assassinate President of the Western Eudeonic Republic

  • 337

    Avalonian Anti-Ballistic Treaty

  • 338

    Emperor Basilean IV & II abdicates

  • 338

    Fung Dynasty falls to Tianquan Republicans

  • 338

    Kordynian Provisional Government formed by Unions

  • 338

    ZL-31 Nuclear Crash

    Nuclear armed Stratofortress breaks up over Garman
  • 339

    Communist Kordowyn

  • 339

    Caeroclyn Crisis

  • 339

    Pandora launches Satellite

  • 339

    Cardoline Restoration

  • Period: 339 to 340

    Laviton Missile Crisis