1446 BCE
Moses receives the 10 commandments
Moses was told by god what people should live by -
1312 BCE
Torah was written
The Torah was written and given to Moses atop mount Sinai -
1300 BCE
Hebrews escape Egypt under Moses
People fled with Moses from the Egyptian people -
jesus' followers settle in jerusalem
Jesus' early followers from Galilee settle in Jerusalem. They are known as "the Twelve." -
jesus was crucified by the romans
Jesus was arrested for vandalism and was found guilty, punishment was Crucifixion -
great fire in rome
Great Fire in Rome; Nero blames and executes Christians -
Fall of the temple in jerusalem
The romans took over jerusalem, and destroyed the second temple -
judaism creates a curse for heretics
"Curse against Heretics" (Birkath ha-minim) added to Jewish synagogue benedictions, with the intent of excluding Christians. -
First major persecution of Christians under emperor Decius
Emperor Decius starts killing and arresting people he suspected of worshiping christianity -
Romans ban christianity
The romans intermittently persecuted christians from 64 ce to 313 ce -
Christianity becomes the main religion for the roman empire
Emporor constantine accepted christianity as his own religion -
Mohammad is Born
Quran was discovered by mohummad
Mohummad receives a vision from god and sees the quran -
islam splits into 2 parts
muhamad didn't have any direct descendants, so shia follows the closest to his bloodline, and sunni follows the "goodest" muslim -
The First Crusade
Basically, people said my god is right, no mine is, and it caused subsequent wars