World Literature

By M4rc0s
  • Period: Jan 1, 1308 to Dec 31, 1321

    Dante writes The Divine Comedy

    Dante Alighieri's poetic masterpiece, The Divine Comedy, is a moving human drama, an unforgettable visionary journey through the infinite torment of Hell, up the arduous slopes of Purgatory, and on to the glorious realm of Paradise-the sphere of universal harmony and eternal salvation.
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    Cervantes writes Don Quixote

    Don Quixote de la Mancha is a novel by the Spanish Miguel de Cervantes. Published its first part with the title of The Ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote in early 1605, is the most outstanding work of the Spanish and world literature, besides being the most published and translated in history after the Bible.
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    Jonathan Switf writes Gulliver's Travels

    Gulliver's Travels is a novel by Jonathan Swift, published in 1726. Although it has been often considered a children's book, is actually a ferocious satire of society and the human condition, camouflaged as a travel book by picturesque countries (a fairly common genre at the time). Captain Lemuel Gulliver, is in paradoxical situations: a giant among dwarfs, a dwarf among giants and ashamed of his condition in a land populated by wise horses that are more human than men and own distrust, rightly
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    Victor Hugo writes The Hunchback of Notre Dame

    It tells the story of the gypsy Esmeralda, who together with his goat Djali plays the tambourine and dancing in the streets of Paris to survive, until it is accused of killing Captain Phoebus, her lover, and sentenced to the gallows . However, the hunchback Quasimodo, ringer of Notre Dame, who after his deformity hides a tender heart and thirsty for love, fight to save the gypsy.
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    Charles Dickens writes A Christmas Carol

    In his "Ghostly little book," Charles Dickens invents the modern concept of Christmas Spirit and offers one of the world’s most adapted and imitated stories. We know Ebenezer Scrooge, Tiny Tim, and the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future, not only as fictional characters, but also as icons of the true meaning of Christmas in a world still plagued with avarice and cynicism.
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    Leo Tolstoy writes War and Peace

    War and Peace is a novel by Leo Tolstoy, first published from 1865 to 1869 in Russkii Vestnik, which tells the story of Russian society during the Napoleonic Era. It is usually described as one of Tolstoy's two major masterpieces (the other being Anna Karenina) as well as one of the world's greatest novels.
  • Franz Kafka writes Die Verwandlung (metamorphosis)

    Metamorphosis (Die Verwandlung in its original German title) is a story of Franz Kafka, published in 1915 and tells the story of Gregor Samsa, a draper who lives with his family that he has with his salary, one day dawns become a creature not clearly identified at any time, but that tends to be recognized as a giant cockroach. Short and intense, it is sometimes qualified as "existentialist story". Sometimes the title is translated as transformation.
  • Aldous Huxley writes Brave New World

    The novel anticipates development in reproductive technology, human cultures and hypnopaedia that combine to radically change society. The world described here could be a utopia, but ironic and ambiguous: humanity is carefree, healthy and technologically advanced. War and poverty have been eradicated, and everyone is permanently happy. However, the irony is that all these things have been achieved by eliminating many others: family, cultural diversity, art, the advancement of science, literature
  • George Orwell writes Animal Farm

    This satire of the Russian Revolution and the triumph of Stalinism, written in 1945, has become its own rights in a landmark of contemporary culture and one of the most scathing book of all time. With the growth of the animals of the Manor Farm, soon we detect the seeds of totalitarianism in a seemingly ideal organization; and our most charismatic leaders, the shadow of the cruelest oppressors.
  • Ernest Hemingway writes The Old Man and the Sea

    Santiago, an old fisherman, 84 days ago that fishing on a boat in Gulf Stream, without catching a fish. During the first 40 days loneliness eased by the presence of a boy, his best friend, who could not accompany him any longer and left him alone in the middle of the sea. All in Santiago's old. His body, his face, his clothes, the sailing boat, the fishing gear. Jaded by their long wait the old returns to the beach and wait a while. Then, again helped by his befriends the sea and after a few hou
  • J. K. ROWLING (Joanne Kathleen Rowling) writes Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

    Harry Potter is an orphan and lives with his abominable unbearable uncles and cousin Dudley. Harry feels very sad and lonely, until one day he receives a letter that will change his life forever. It will report that it has been accepted as a student in the internal Hogwarts. From that moment, the fate of Harry gives a spectacular turnaround. In that special school you learn spells, fabulous tricks and tactics of defense against evil arts. But above all you learn the secrets that will allow fulfi