the han dynasty invinted paper.they needes something to help keep records -
Oct 24, 1450
tobacco was shipped along the middle passage of the triangular trade.A very large profit was maid -
Oct 24, 1450
gutenburg invented the printing press.litracy rates were increased becaude of the printing of bibles -
Oct 16, 1492
christopher columbus
christopher columbus was sponcered by queen isabella to find a westward rout to asia.he discovered america by mistske -
Oct 20, 1492
Christopher columbus
hchristopher columbus was sponcered by queen isabella to sail westwaed to reach asia.He fiund america by mistake -
Oct 16, 1498
the last supper
lenardo da venci painted the last suppe in 1498.this painting repersents the last supper with cjrist and his disciples -
Oct 16, 1498
michelangelo sculpted the pieta in 1498.he did not want this sculpture to repersent death but the religous viev of sculpting -
Oct 16, 1498
michelangelo sculpted the pieta.he did not want his sculpture to repersent death but his religous view of sculpting -
Oct 24, 1500
john calvin developed the idea of predestination.he thought that your faith had already been chosen from the day that you were born -
Oct 16, 1509
Henry the 8th
henry the 8th broke from yhr church in roam,he was king from 1509 untill his death.henry could not produce a mail air -
Oct 16, 1517
95 theses
marton luther nailed the 95 theses to a church door in1517.This was the begunung of the protestant religion -
Oct 16, 1519
first circumnavagateion
Ferdellan magellan was the first to circumnavagate the world in1519.This happned becausehe tryed to get the spanish expisition to yhe east indies -
Oct 20, 1519
Cortez and his forces over threw the aztec empire -
Oct 24, 1519
cortez the navagator overthrew the aztech empire.Cortez won mexico the crown of spain -
Oct 24, 1534
cariter exploted the st lawrence river .The king orderd him to go get goled and spices -
spanish armada
Queen elizibeth defeated the spanish armada -
Henry IV issued the edict of nantes -
thirty years war
Richelieu got france involved in the thirty year war. This war was fought for many reasons sutch as religon -
jan hus
jan hus was burned at steak for being a heretic.people strongly disliked heretics -
queen elizibeth was the haed of the anglican church