Trouble in Spain
Popular unrest against the old order forced the king to leave Spain. Republic was set up with a new liberal constitution. -
Japan Seized Manchuria
Japan seized Manchuria in pursit of the goal that they should have an empire equal to those of the Western Powers. -
President Roosevelt
President Roosevelt dedicated the United States to the Policy of the Good Neighbor. -
Italy Invades Ethiopians
Italy invaded Ethiopians located in northeastern Africa. Ethiopians failed because of their outdated wepons. -
Hitler tering up the treaty of Locarno
Hitler tore the Treaty of Locarno and forfiting demilitarized Rhineland Zone. -
German Air Raid on Guernica
Germans raided Gurnica, a small Spanish market town. 1,000 innocent civilians were killed because Nazi leaders wanted to experiment to see what their planes could do. -
Hitler Ready to Engineer
Hitler was ready to engineer the Anschluss or the union of Austria. He forced the Astrian chancellor to appoint Nazi to key cabinet posts. -
Hitler striking at Poland.
Hitler struck at Poland. During the two years that followed almost all of the countries of Europe were plunged or dragged into war. -
First half of 1939.
Hitler completed the destruction of Czechoslovakia and seized Memel, while Italy invaded Albania. -
Pearl Harbor