World history book

World History Unit 3 Timeline

By RoyalG
  • 511

    Clovis unites

    Clovis unites
    Clovis unites Franks under Christian rule
  • 527

    Justinian becomes ruler

    Justinian becomes ruler
    Justinian becomes ruler of Byzantine Empire
  • 527


    Justinian becomes Byzantine emperor
  • Mar 8, 630


    Muhammad returns to Mecca after making the Hijirah to Medina.
  • Mar 13, 630

    Muhammad unifies

    Muhammad unifies
    Muhammad unifies Arabian Penninsula under Islam
  • Mar 8, 732

    Charles Mortel

    Charles Mortel
    Charles Martel defeats the Muslim at Tours.
  • Dec 28, 732

    Charles Martel

    Charles Martel stops Muslim invasion
  • Mar 16, 750

    Abbasids in Persia take control

    Abbasids in Persia take control
    Abbasids in Persia take control of the Muslim emperor
  • Dec 13, 771


    Charlemagne becomes ruler of Frankish kingdom in Europe
  • Mar 9, 1000

    Muslim Scholars

    Muslim scholars, who preserved Greek medical works, share them with Europeans
  • Apr 11, 1000

    Hausa city-state

    Hausa city-state
    Hausa city-states begins to emerge
    (bronze head)
  • Sep 20, 1041

    Movable type

    Movable type
    Movable type invented in China
  • May 13, 1054

    Pope expelling

    The Pope expells the patriarch of Constantinople, splitting Christianity into Roman Catholic and Orthodox branches
  • Jun 13, 1054

    Christian Church

    Christian Church
    Christian church divides
  • May 6, 1066

    Norman invasion

    Norman invasion
    Norman invasion of England
  • Jan 16, 1095

    First Crusade

    First Crusade
    First Crusade begins
  • Feb 1, 1095

    Pope Urban the second

    Pope Urban the second
    Pope Urban the second (shown addressing the bishops of France) launches the first Crusade
  • May 22, 1095

    First Crusade Begins

    First Crusade Begins
    First crusade begins (battle between Muslims and Crusaders)
  • Mar 13, 1100

    Muslim Literature

    Muslim Literature
    Muslim literature flourishes
  • Sep 16, 1100

    Yoruba established

    Yoruba established
    Yoruba kingdom of Ife is established
  • Mar 14, 1190

    Holy Roman Empire

    Holy Roman Empire
    Holy Roman empire weakens
  • Mar 26, 1190

    Kamakura Shogunate rules

    Kamakura Shogunate rules
    Kamakura Shogunate rules Japan
  • Feb 17, 1192

    Kamakura Shogunate

    Kamakura Shogunate
    Kamakura Shogunate rules Japan (kamakura period painting)
  • Jun 19, 1206

    Genghis Khan theGreat

    Genghis Khan theGreat
    Genghis Khan unites Mongols and is proclaimed the Great Khan
  • Jun 16, 1209

    Genghis Khan

    Genghis Khan
    Genghis Khan begins the Mongol Conquest
  • May 2, 1215

    King John approves

    King John approves
    King John approves Magna Carta
  • Jan 19, 1235

    Mali Empire found!

    Mali Empire found!
    Sundiata founds Mali Empire
  • Sep 16, 1240

    Mongols destroy

    Mongols destroy
    Mongols destroy Kiev. (Mongolian archer on horseback)
  • Jun 18, 1279

    Kublai Khan conquers China

    Kublai Khan conquers China
    Kublai Khan conquers China
  • Dec 13, 1279

    Kublai Khan conquers

    Kublai Khan conquers
    Kublai Khan conquers China
  • Mar 16, 1324

    Mali King Mansa Musa

    Mali King Mansa Musa
    Mali king Mansa Musa goes on Hajj to Mecca. (mapmaker's depication of Mansa Musa)
  • Aug 1, 1324

    Mali king Mansa Musa

    Mali king Mansa Musa
    Mali king Mansa Musa makes hajj to Mecca
  • Feb 20, 1325

    The Aztec establishes

    The Aztec establishes
    The Aztec establish Tenochtitlan
  • Aug 23, 1347

    Bubonic plague

    Bubonic plague
    Bubonic plague devastes Euope
  • Aug 23, 1347

    Bubonic plague strikes

    Bubonic plague strikes
    Bubonic plague strikes Europe
  • Sep 9, 1347

    Bubonic plague strikes

    Bubonic plague strikes
    Bubonic plague strikes Erope
  • Nov 15, 1347

    Buboni plaque devastes Europe

    Buboni plaque devastes Europe
    Bubonic plaque devastes Europe. (Illustration of Death strangling a victim of the plaque)
  • Apr 1, 1429

    Joan of Arc and the French's Victory

    Joan of Arc and the French's Victory
    Joan of Arc leads the French to victory over the English at Orleans
  • Apr 5, 1453

    Constantinople falls

    Constantinople falls
    Constantinople falls to Ottoman Turks
  • Aug 21, 1453

    Hundred Year's War ends

    Hundred Year's War ends
    Hundred Year's War ends with French Victory
  • Aug 14, 1464

    Sunni Ali begins Empire

    Sunni Ali begins Empire
    Sunni Ali begins Songhai Empire
  • Jan 26, 1502

    Montezuma II

    Montezuma II
    Montezuma II takes charges of the Aztec Empire in the MODERN-DAY Mexico
  • Song Dynast begins

    Song Dynast begins
    Song Dynasty begins in China (poem on silk)
  • Pope Leo iii crowns Charlemagne

    Pope Leo iii crowns Charlemagne
    Pope Leo iii crowns the Frankish king Charlemagne emperor
  • Al-khwarizimi

    Al-Khwarizmi writes the first algebra textbook
  • Pope crowns

    Pope crowns Charlemagne emperor of the Romans
  • Chinese invention

    Chinese invention
    Chinese invent gunpowder
  • Byzantine

    Byzantine culture spreads to Russia
  • Wu Zhao

    Empress Wu Zhao assumes throne in China
  • Tang Dynasty

    Tang Dynasty
    Tang Dynasty begins 289-year rule in China (Tang Statuette)
  • Heian Period begins

    Heian Period begins
    Heian period begins in Japan

    Koryu Dynasty controls korea
  • Charlemagne crowned

    Charlemagne crowned
    Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope
  • Empire of Ghana

    Empire of Ghana thrives in West Africa
  • Division of Charlemagne's empire

    Division of Charlemagne's empire
    Treaty of Verdun divides Charlemagne's empire
  • Outside Invasions

    Outside Invasions
    Outside Invasions spur growth of feudalism
  • Classic period of Mayan

    Classic period of Mayan
    Classic period of Mayan civilization in Central America ends
  • Otto the Great

    Otto the Great
    Otto the Great becomes emperor
  • Toltec Empire

    Toltec Empire
    Toltec Empire at its peak.
  • Empire of Ghana thrives

    Empire of Ghana thrives
    Empire of Ghana thrives on trade
  • Byzantine culture spreads

    Byzantine culture spreads
    Byzantine culture spreads to Russia