Industrial Revolution
A transition period into a new, more efficient way of manufacturing. Eli Whitney created the cotton gin, James Watt created a better steamboat, Samuel Morris created a single wire telegraph system. -
French Revolution
1789-1799.Where the people overtook the French government. The First Estate(1 percent) consisted of Roman Catholic clergy. They were very privileged.The Second Estate (2 percent)consisted of the nobility in France. They were very privileged as well and held high positions in the government.The Third Estate (97 percent) consisted of the artisans, peasants and merchants. They worked for low wages and in poor conditions, giving up almost all of their money because of taxes from other estates. -
Socialism is the belief that the means on production (capital, land, raw materials and factories) should be owned and controlled by society, whether that is through government or directly. It was formed so that wealth could be distributed equally. -
Napoleon and Nationalism
Napoleon was a French general who later appointed himself general. Nationalism was the people's wanting to self-rule and go back to their old customs and traditions. Napoleon took over their countries and took these rights away from them. -
William Wilberforce and Lord Shaftebury
William was a member of the parliament and he opposed slavery. He passed a bill that ended British slave trade and later slavery was completely abolished. Shaftebury promoted laws to limit work for women and children. He passed laws prohibiting women and children of working in mines and 10 hour limit days. -
Romance Movement
The Romance was when artists would emphasize human emotion and imagination over reason. Beethoven was a Russian composer who followed the Romance Movement. George Sand was a writer who made peasants and workers heroes in her books. -
Edward Jenner was an English doctor who created the first vaccination. He injected a small boy with cowpox to prevent him from getting small pox and it worked! Ivan Pavlov suggested through research that human actions are unconscious and can be changed by training. -
Imperialism was when a big country ruled over a smaller country. They controlled the politics, economy, and social life of the people in that country. Colony: a territory that an imperial power ruled directly through colonial officials. Protectorate: the small country had its own government, but was influenced by the larger country. Sphere of Influence: a region in which the bigger country had exclusive investment or trading rights. -
World War I
1914-1919. There was much conflict before it, but this is what caused the spark. Conflicts before it were because each European country had goals to expand trade. Each country had separate goals that conflicted with other countries' goals. Then we get into nationalism where everyone was a patriot of his country and supporting it. There were also alliances forming, which caused rivalries. Some important events were the assassination, allies forming, and the sinking of Lusitania. -
Mussolini, Hitler and Franco
Mussolini was the Italian ruler. He founded fascism and was an extreme dictator. Hitler was a dictator in Germany and said that he could restore their prosperous times by getting rid of everyone excluding Germans. Franco was ruler of Spain. There was the Spanish Revolution, but the Nationalists didn't want a reform. There was a civil war and Franco was the leader of the Nationalists. He won the war and became leader after that. Japan had wanted to expand because of its lack of natural resources. -
World War II
1939-1945. Important events are: Pearl Harbor, D-Day (Death-Day), the sinking of Bismarck, the bombing of Japan and lastly, the Germans invading Poland. -
United Nations
The United Nations' purpose was to maintain peace by guaranteeing the security of member nations. It was founded in April, 1945, in San Francisco. -
China Becomes Communist
After WWII, China had split up into two groups, the Communists and the Nationalists. There was a civil war between each and the Communists won. It was then that they named China as a communistic country and made Beijing the capital. The Nationalists, who lost, went to Taiwan and named Taipei the new capital of China. In 1972, Richard Nixon went to China and established diplomatic ties. -
American Occupation of Japan Ended
After WWII, the United States occupied Japan. They were helping improve their economy and bring their country back up again. They were also ensuring Japan would not come back at them with a strong military. Once they felt assured of all these things, they left. -
North and South Korea Sign a Treaty
North and South Korea have always had conflicts due to the United States taking over the South and the Soviet Union taking over the North. This meant they had different beliefs and were always arguing. Eventually, there was a war over land and neither side won, but a treaty was signed to have a set land afterward. -
European Union
The European Union was essentially the United Nations, but for Europe. Most Western European countries are in this.