World History Topics 2

  • 310

    The middle class forms

    The middle class forms
    It was a new class formed and the people in this class made their money off of trade and businesses not the land. They played a huge role in the government.
  • 370

    Germanic Invasions

    Germanic Invasions
    The Germanic invasions were when all of the Barbarians tribes came into Rome and started fighting them and taking their land so they could have part of Rome's wealth. They beat the Romans in the end.
  • 395

    The split of the Roman Empire (start of the Byzantine Empire)

    The split of the Roman Empire (start of the Byzantine Empire)
    it was when the eastern and western parts of Rome split up which as a result weakened them.
  • 400

    Romans abandoned Britain

    Romans abandoned Britain
    The Romans were being attacked in their homeland so they needed to take the Roman troops in England back to Rome, which caused the Germanic tribes to attack and take over a lot of Britain's land.
  • 527

    The Byzantine Empire

    The Byzantine Empire
    The Byzantine Empire is the Eastern side of the Roman Empire the leader, Justinian followed his wife's idea to help make woman's social standing better. The Byzantine Empire became rich and powerful.
  • 571

    Birth of Muhammad

    Birth of Muhammad
    When Muhammad the prophet of the Islam religion was born.
  • 700

    Slavs taking over eastern Orthodox

    Slavs taking over eastern Orthodox
  • 750

    The Start and end of the historical Jihads

    The Start and end of the historical Jihads
    The jihad was a holy struggle that was the people trying to bring Islam religion to other countries. While it was happening there was constant war in the Byzantine empire and Persian empire since they weakened each other's empire so much they were prone to Arab attacks. Because of persecution, they were forced to accept Muslim rule. It began 661 a.d. and ended 750
  • 800

    Charlemagne creating Christian Roman Empire

    Charlemagne creating Christian Roman Empire
    Charlemagne was doing well with his empire that the Roman pope deemed him emperor of Rome.
  • 820

    Viking invasions

    Viking invasions
    The Vikings were people who constantly invaded people around the world. If they didn't win they would burn what they couldn't take.
  • 1000

    The Middle Age Agricultural Developments

    The Middle Age Agricultural Developments
    They created heavier plows to cut through more soil, they invented a new harness that goes around the shoulders of the animals meaning they could use horses since horses plowed faster than oxen.
  • 1050

    The Holy Roman Empire

    The Holy Roman Empire
    The Holy Roman Empire started in 1050 and ended in 1812. It was a multiethnic group of countries that worked together.
  • 1095

    The Crusades

    The Crusades
    The Crusades are the group of Christians who went on a journey to take over Jerusalem. They killed any non-Christians such as Muslims or Jews. Two results were Eastern luxury goods had a higher demand and they learned to build better ships, make more accurate maps, and use the magnetic compass to tell direction.
  • 1100

    The Middle Ages Guilds developments

    The Middle Ages Guilds developments
    The carpenters, shoemakers, blacksmiths etc., developed a union of workers in order to maintain all the power within their market they made sure that everybody had to keep their prices the same if making the same goods and they were not allowed to persuade people to buy their goods over someone else's and it also gave medical help to people within the guild. They also organized plays and banquets for the people to attract.
  • 1100

    Vikings Moving

    Vikings Moving
    The Vikings were constantly moving and destroying land. They were causing havoc and they covered all over Asia, France, and Germany.
  • 1100

    Feudalisms Organizations

    Feudalisms Organizations
    It is a system that is set up with people getting land for loyalty and they are supposed to work and protect the castles.
  • 1100

    The Middle Ages money economy development

    The Middle Ages money economy development
    The Moneychangers (Italians or Jews) developed a system for transferring funds, receiving deposits, and arranging loans also know as a bank.
  • 1150

    The Middle Ages other technology

    The Middle Ages other technology
    The scholars had developed the teachings called Scholastics which contains a mixture between Aristotle's teachings and the Christian teachings. A mix of faith and reason. They developed arches instead of having to use big heavy stone walls to hold up buildings and their ceilings.
  • 1200

    The Middle Ages trade and commerce developments

    The Middle Ages trade and commerce developments
    The development of the Roman road system made it possible to have international traders come to and from Europe. They also invented specific sea routes to increase trade. The Feudal lords charged merchants fees and taxes on goods and offered protection to them.
  • 1211

    Genghis Khan's Invasions

    Genghis Khan's Invasions
    He led Mongolians and conquered a lot of land some of the Turkish and all of China
  • 1350

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    The Renaissance lasted from 1350-1600. Medici developed the idea of income tax to bring a heavier burden on wealthier citizens. The invention of the printing press and the typewriter from the Germans.
  • 1450

    Slavic Area

    Slavic Area
    The area in Easter Europe and western Russian
  • 1500

    The Middle Ages

    The Middle Ages
    The Middle Ages was the time period between the western and eastern empires falling. 476-1500 A.D.
  • 1500

    The Reformation

    The Reformation
    The Reformation was when Martin Luther attempted to change the ways of the Catholic Church, which as a result formed a new religion called Lutheranism. One of the important things was the Anabaptists leaving England which spread a message that there should be religious liberty. King Henry VIII created laws that made it so church and state were separate.
  • Mercantilism

    Mercantilism is a system where the idea is the more money you have the more power you have. Meaning exports are better for a place than imports.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    American colonists fought the British for independence. One thing that was important was that America became Independent by creating the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. The other important thing was the implementation of governmental branches to split the power. This happened 1776 July, 4.