5000 BCE
Middle Eastern Map
5000 BCE
Egyptians begin harvesting papyrus to make rope, sandals, baskets, and later paper
5000 BCE
Egyptian Society Divides into Upper, Middle, and Lower Classes
Period: 5000 BCE to 2000 BCE
Indo-European Origins and Migrations
These people were nomadic and lived along the steppes, and herded sheep, cattle, and goats. However they began to spread out and leave their Eurasian homes due to war and environmental changes.
The language of these people has influenced a lot of languages throughout the years. Today, this can include Latin, Germanic, Slavic, Baltic and Celtic languages. -
4000 BCE
Hippocrates Becomes the First to View Medicine as a Science
He believed that diseases were a natural occurrence and that the body could heal itself. He worked with other doctors to share notes and records, and recommended everyone practice hygiene. He set down standards for ethical medical conduct that has guided medicine to where it is today. -
3100 BCE
Sumerians Invent Cuneiform, the Oldest Writing System
3000 BCE
Narmer Becomes King of both Upper and Lower Egypt, starting the first Egyptian dynasty
3000 BCE
Sumerians Become the First to Make Tin and Copper from Bronze
3000 BCE
Sumerians Invent a Number System and 12-Month Calendar
Period: 3000 BCE to 1100 BCE
Bronze Age
1700 BCE
Hammurabi's Code is Created
1650 BCE
Hitties Become the First to Wield Iron
1200 BCE
Moses leads Israelites into Sinai Desert
This story is retold every Passover. -
1200 BCE
Moses and the Israelites Promise to Reject other Gods and Follow Only One and His Laws
1200 BCE
Phoenicians Develop Alphabet With Written Symbols Representing Sounds
Period: 1200 BCE to 500 BCE
Iron Age
775 BCE
First Olympic Games are Held to Honor Zeus
750 BCE
Greeks Plant Olives and Grapes in Italy, and Introduce Their Alphabet
700 BCE
Homer Composes The Iliad and The Oddyssey
Period: 700 BCE to 336 BCE
Hellenic Period
Period: 650 BCE to 612 BCE
Assyrian Empires rules from Persian Gulf, to Egypt, to Asia Minor
However, it began dissolving due to mistreated conquered people rebelling -
620 BCE
Roman Citizens are Divided into Patricians and Plebians under Etruscan Rule
500 BCE
The Royal Road is Built
This makes travel from Persia to Asia Minor more efficient and quicker, with stations along the way the provided food, water, and new horses. -
500 BCE
Greeks Create Democracy
451 BCE
The Twelve Tables are Inscribed into Stone by Plebians
432 BCE
The Parthenon is Finished to Honor Athena
400 BCE
Tragedies Become a Popular for Theatrical Dramas
400 BCE
Thucydides Becomes the First Scientific Historian
He went to battle sites and recorded information, using many and truthful eyewitnesses as evidence. He rejected the idea that the gods influenced how people behaved. He only listed facts and used proof to explain why certain events and actions of people took place, so people in the future could learn from the past. -
324 BCE
Alexander the Great Unites Empire to Take Revenge on Persians and Mixing Greek Culture with Others
Period: 323 BCE to 31 BCE
Hellenistic Period
300 BCE
Alexandria Becomes a Major Intellectual Center
It had the first museum with millions of books, a scientific research center, a zoo, and botanical garden. -
300 BCE
Cynicism, Epicureanism and Stoicism Become Popular
200 BCE
Archimedes Sets the Basic Foundations and Principles of Physics
He invented the compound pulley and levers to move heavy objects easily, cylinder-screws used to lift water for irrigation, and the principle of buoyancy. -
200 BCE
Hellenistic Doctors Dissect Corpses to Learn About Anatomy
They discovered the nervous system, studied the brain and liver, and worked with drugs to relieve pain. -
200 BCE
Euclid Writes Book with All Information About Geometry
132 BCE
Attempts at Stabilizing Conflict between Rich and Poor Romans Ended with Bloodshed
Tiberius Gracchus proposed ways to unite the two sides by limiting the size of latifundia and providing the poor with land, causing enragement and him getting killed in a street fight. His brother suffered the same fate. -
75 BCE
The Gaps Between the Rich and Poor Grew, Threatening Italy with Violent Uprisings
73 BCE
Roman Slave Spartacus Leads Slave Uprising
Spartacus put together an army of 70,000 fellow slaves to revolt against unfair treatment and freedom. However, by 71 B.C., they were defeated, but Rome spent a lot of money, lives of troops, and resources. -
45 BCE
Julius Caesar Becomes a Great Ruler of Rome and Other Territories
After driving his political rival and his allies out, Caesar took control over the government in a monarchic style. He granted Roman citizenship to many, added individuals to the Senate if they were loyal, provided jobs and public work programs, and implemented the Julian calendar. -
Period: 31 BCE to 180
Pax Romana Era
This translates to Roman Peace. During this time trade was boosted, standards of living raised, and many achievements in the arts were made. -
27 BCE
Augustus Caesar Begins Roman Empire Reign and Rebuilding the City
Caesar began making reforms--Proconsuls (Roman governors) couldn't exploit the provinces, tax collectors had to be permanent government employees, grain was imported from N. Africa, and new roads were being built to connect. -
A Reign of Unqualified Roman Emperors Follow After Augustus
Because of a lack of guidelines to becoming an emperor, a lot became so because they were part of Augustus's family. However, they didn't manage well. Good Emperors appeared after, but a few more bad emperors made an appearance. -
Romans Begin Making Goods to Trade with Outsiders
Pottery, woven cloth, blown glass, and jewelry to trade with others within and out the empire. They traded with China, India, and SE. Asia to get things like spices and silk. Tin from Britain, Iron from Gaul, and lead from Spain. -
Invasions from Outsiders Becomes Problem with Roman Empire's Lowered Guard
Because of the time of peace, they reduced the number of people fighting in the armies, which made it easier for people to attack. -
Wars Destroyed Farmland, Food Shortage, and Business Profits, Causing Inflation