World History Topics 1

  • 5000 BCE


    This is a map of the Middle East. In the map there is the Fertile
    Crescent, Mesopotamia, and Asia Minor.
  • 5000 BCE

    The Sumerians and their inventions

    The Sumerians and their inventions
    The invented bronze out of copper, they developed the wagon wheel and the arch in order to have a steadier building. 5000 B.C.
  • 5000 BCE

    Fertile Crescent

    Fertile Crescent
    The land in the Arabic region 5000 B.C.
  • 3000 BCE

    Bronze Age

    Bronze Age
    when bronze was the trend to use
  • 2500 BCE

    Ancient Egypt

    Ancient Egypt
    The interesting ideas from the Egyptian people, such as Pyramids, hieroglyphics, and mummification.
  • 2500 BCE

    Indo-European migration map

    Indo-European migration map
    The Indo-Europeans created many words that the English language took and evolved the words. A word that is like this is skeud meaning to shoot.
  • 2000 BCE

    Hammurabi's Greatest Achievement.

    Hammurabi's Greatest Achievement.
    Hammurabi was the leader of Mesopotamia. He managed to get all of Mesopotamia under his rule. His greatest achievement was his attempt "to bring justice throughout the land." Hammurabi had a code of laws which he used to do this. 2000 B.C.
  • 2000 BCE


    The new type of metal they created, they also created two-person chariots and they had government officials who independent authority.
  • 1200 BCE

    The Moses contributions to Judaism

    The Moses contributions to Judaism
    Moses created the Tora which is the bible for Jewish people and he created the idea that they should believe in one god
  • 1000 BCE

    Phoenicians Alphabet

    Phoenicians Alphabet
    The Phoenicians alphabet was a series of written symbols that represents a sound.
  • 509 BCE

    Ancient Rome

    Ancient Rome
    Rome believed in worshipping their ancestral spirits, they believed that men were the absolute head of the household and they took from Greek culture the Greek gods and converted them to their own Roman ways. Over time they created a government much like ours today.
  • 500 BCE

    Iron Age

    Iron Age
    When iron was trending to use
  • 400 BCE

    The Golden Age

    The Golden Age
    The Olympics, the teaching methods of Socrates which were to ask the students questions about their answers to make sure they could create a logical back up to their point and the sculptures being life-sized and it started with only doing gods and goddesses.
  • 336 BCE

    Hellenic Period

    Hellenic Period
    The Hellenic Period was when the civilization of Hellenic flourished from about the 700s B.C until 336 B.C. They had many important contributions such as the idea of taxing, different techniques for building, and figuring out navigation.
  • 323 BCE

    Only Hellenistic

    Only Hellenistic
    They created the compound pulley, they learned about buoyancy, they discovered the body's nervous system and how to use drugs to relieve pain.
  • 250 BCE

    Hellenistic and Hellenic period ideas

    Hellenistic and Hellenic period ideas
    They had the idea to give women more rights to do things and to independently make more decisions and that people don't have to stick to the place they originated from, but they can go where. it best benefits them.
  • 200 BCE

    Punic Wars

    Punic Wars
    The Punic Wars were between the Carthaginians and Rome. There were three of these wars and they were all about gaining control over the Mediterranean. Rome won these wars in the end with their leader Cato.
  • 200 BCE

    The Roman Crisis

    The Roman Crisis
    The number one cause of the Roman Crisis was when the farmers land was taken away by the wealthy Romans. This was a result of the Punic Wars. Tiberius and Gais would have succeeded if they proposed their idea in a better way or if they thought of an idea that helped both the wealthy and poor people.
  • 45 BCE

    Roman Empire Rulers

    Roman Empire Rulers
    Scipio was a Roman general who won the second Punic War against the Carthaginians and forced them to give up their warships, land and agree to another indemnity. Julius Caesar took power over the two other leaders he originally was allied with in Rome and then named himself dictator and claimed the land. Julius Caesar improved and the Greek calendar and made the present-day calendar with 365 days and he invented leap year.
  • 100

    Pax Romona/Romona Empire

    Pax Romona/Romona Empire
    Pax Romona is a time period where Rome was prosperous and was trading with other countries. The Roman Empire created the idea people are innocent until guilty, which we use today in America. The buildings and arenas they created are still standing today. They also gave more citizenship to people.
  • 476

    The Fall of the Roman Empire

    The Fall of the Roman Empire
    The first cause was from inflation which caused their economy to crash. The other reason is the invasions of the barbarians wanting the land. The Huns and Germans wanted the land and it became a huge fight for it. The Germanic tribe won over the land in the end. The last reason is splitting the empire into two weakened the Romans.