
World History Timeline

  • 1300

    Start of the Renaissance

    Start of the Renaissance
    Bridge between Middle ages and Modern History. Furthering advancement
  • 1301

    Political Reformation

    Political Reformation
    Feudalism started going away this happened for many reasons like the development of a centralized government, Money based economy started, The Magna Carta was signed and the Black death killed 60% of Europe's population
  • 1315

    Great Famine

    Great Famine
    The famine was caused by a bad weather in spring. This caused people to starve until the summer harvest of 1317 10-25% of cities died.
  • 1317

    End of the Famine

    End of the Famine
  • 1330

    John Wycliffe was born

    John Wycliffe was born
    Hipswell, United Kingdom
  • 1343

    Geoffrey Chaucer was born

    Geoffrey Chaucer was born
    London, United Kingdom
  • 1347

    Black Death

    Black Death
    The Black Death was a highly contagious disease that would cause abdominal pain, bleeding, shocks and strange bumps all over body. This would kill 50 million people around 60% of europe's entire population
  • 1350

    End of the Black Death

    End of the Black Death
  • Apr 7, 1374

    John Wycliffe/ Morning Star

    John Wycliffe/ Morning Star
    John was an early reformer way before the Reformation Years. John translated the bible into English and would challenge the church for reform. his political treatises on divine and civil dominion would talk about how the church has to much money and that it was a sin.
  • Dec 31, 1384

    John Wycliffe's Death

    John Wycliffe's Death
    Lutterworth, United Kingdom
  • 1386

    Donatello was born

    Donatello was born
    Florence, Italy
  • 1387

    Father of Modern English

    Father of Modern English
    Geoffrey Chaucer was a poet and worked as a diplomat. He would write his work in English rather than French or Latin. Geoffrey is known for writing the Canterbury Tales and translating the Boccacio's The Decameron.
  • Jun 24, 1400

    Johann Gutenberg was born

    Johann Gutenberg was born
    Mainz, Germany
  • Oct 25, 1400

    Geoffrey Chaucer's Death

    Geoffrey Chaucer's Death
    London, United Kingdom
  • 1435

    Donatello's Contributions

    Donatello's Contributions
    Donatello is one of the most famous sculptures of all time and is easily recognized in modern day. He invented techniques like the schiacciato. Donatello promoted using emotions and feeling in art and would later make the bronze door in the Bapistry of Florence, statue of David, Equestrian statue of Gattamelata and many others
  • 1439

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    Johann Gutenberg invented the printing press. He was also the publisher of the Gutenberg's Bible
  • 1451

    Christopher Columbus was born

    Christopher Columbus was born
    Genoa, Italy
  • Dec 13, 1466

    Donatello's Death

    Donatello's Death
    Basilica of San Lorenzo
  • Feb 3, 1468

    Johann Gutenburg's Death

    Johann Gutenburg's Death
    Mainz, Germany
  • Feb 19, 1473

    Nicolaus Copernicus was born

    Nicolaus Copernicus was born
    Toruń, Poland
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus's Impact

    Christopher Columbus's Impact
    Christopher opened up colonization between many colonies. He would set sail to look for the continent of Asia but would end up actually hitting the America's. He also started the slave trade between different countries and would start the path way of discovery.
  • May 20, 1506

    Christopher Columbus Death

    Christopher Columbus Death
    Valladolid, Spain
  • Jul 10, 1509

    John Calvin was born

    John Calvin was born
    Noyon, France
  • 1517

    Reformation Period

    Reformation Period
    This was a series of events that would reform the Catholic Church's corruption
  • 1536


    John Calvin believed that the bible was the only true source about religion. He believed that God chose who and who wouldn't go to Heaven but also believed the only way of salvation was through the bible. God was sovereignty to Calvin and would fight against the church's idea that people could get salvation by the works but its actually God's decision and you cannot manipulate that.
  • 1543

    Start of the Scientific Revolution

    Start of the Scientific Revolution
    This was a series of events that advanced mathematics, sciences and political thoughts.
  • 1543

    Heliocentric Theory

    Heliocentric Theory
    Nicolaus Copernicus theory argued that the sun was actually the center of the universe and that everything revolved around it, at the time people believed that the earth was actually in the center. This theory holds up today in Astronomy. It is unknown when this theory was formed but it was finally put to use and published after his death.
  • May 23, 1543

    Nicolaus Copernicus's Death

    Nicolaus Copernicus's Death
    Frombork, Poland
  • 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    Charles V and the Holy Roman Emperor signed a treaty that would end the Religious war between them and was the start of Religious toleration
  • Feb 15, 1564

    Galileo Galilei was born

    Galileo Galilei was born
    Pisa, Italy
  • Apr 23, 1564

    William Shakespeare was born

    William Shakespeare was born
    Stratford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom
  • May 27, 1564

    John Calvin's Death

    John Calvin's Death
    Geneva, Switzerland
  • Shakespear's Significance

    Shakespear's Significance
    Shakespeare is the most famous poet in the entire world and has become the standard in american education. He is a kick starter of modern English and would write his poems and drama's in English. His most recognizable plays is Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet.
  • Edict of Nantes

    Edict of Nantes
    Henry IV of France would sign this Edict this would temporarily end the war between Roman Catholics and Protestant's. This promoted civil unity and was retracted by Louis XIV 87 years later.
  • End of the Renaissance

    End of the Renaissance
  • Father of Modern Science

    Father of Modern Science
    Galileo Galilei was an amazing astronomer. He advanced mathematics, Kinematics and Heliocentrism. Galileo strengthened the Copernicus' theory after upgrading his telescope and discovering 4 moons circling Jupiter.
  • Shakespear's Death

    Shakespear's Death
    Stratford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom
  • John Locke was born

    John Locke was born
    Wrington, United Kingdom
  • Recanting Belief's

    Recanting Belief's
    Galileo was forced to recant his belief in heliocentrism because people accused him of heresy and so he was sentenced to house arrest and remained there for the last 9 years of his life
  • Galileo Galilei's Death

    Galileo Galilei's Death
    Arcetri, Italy
  • Isaac Newton was born

    Isaac Newton was born
    Woolsthorpe Manor House, United Kingdom
  • End of Reformation

    End of Reformation
  • Philosopher of Freedom

    Philosopher of Freedom
    John Locke is one of the most important and influential people during the Enlightenment. Him along with Hobbes and Jean,Jacques started Contractarianism which formed the groundwork for Republicans, Democrats, liberals and anything in between. Its the idea that people should be free but also secured because if people are to free it is dangerous. It is rational to trade some freedom for security of everyone so that people act morally correct.
  • Start of Enlightenment

    Start of Enlightenment
    The Enlightenment was a intellectual and philosophical movement. Philosophers believed that rational thought could lead to human improvement
  • Laws of Motion

    Laws of Motion
    The man who was sitting under the tree when apple hit his head was Isaac Newton. He is the inventor of Newton's Law which is about law's of motion and is extremely relevant in modern society. He is probably the most recognizable name during this era.
  • End of Scientific Revolution

    End of Scientific Revolution
  • John Locke's Death

    John Locke's Death
    High Laver, United Kingdom
  • Benjamin Franklin was born

    Benjamin Franklin was born
    Milk Street, Boston, Massachusetts, United States
  • Isaac Newton's Death

    Isaac Newton's Death
    Kensington, London, United Kingdom
  • $100

    Benjamin Franklin embraced science, human rights and reason. He took part in creating local civic institutions. William Watson a Physician said that "Benjamin had the head to conceive and hand to execute". Franklin was also the founder of American Philosophical Society.
  • Spirit of the Laws

    Spirit of the Laws
    The idea of this political science book is that no part of the government should have to much power over others and that it should be divided to different branches to avoid tyranny. This is part of the constitution.
  • Encyclopedia

    Diderot was a humanitarian who was super against the slave trade and was not afraid to show his disagreement. He would make the Encyclopedia to tell people about what is happening and so that people could perceive it differently. He inspired both the French and American revolution
  • Benjamin Franklin's Death

    Benjamin Franklin's Death
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States