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World history timeline

  • The civil war

    Do to King Charles l ignoring the parliament. They had a full out war, the roundheads of the parliament vs the cavaliers of the kings side. Which resulted in the capture of the King, and first public execution of a King
  • The restoration

    The restoration
    The puritans were tired of being ruled by Cromwell. So they Charles the second the be king. This was known as Charles II was called the
    Charles II was called the Merry Monarch, because he brought back theaters, sporting events, dancing & he got along with the Parliament.
  • The Exhumation of Cromwell

    The dug up Cromwell dead body. Publicly executed his dead body. Then preceded to let it hang for days.
  • The Glorious Revolution

    King James ll was ignoring the parliament like his father did, James had a son who was being raised as catholic. Which the parliament did not like so ran James out the country. And made William of orange and his wife the daughter of James the new rulers of England.
  • Age of reason

    A time when people started to actually to question things. As to reason was to study things. Like humans and nature.
  • Merchants of change

    Nomads whom spread the ideas. Of the people and public figures around the world
  • Period: to

    Building of Versatile

    This fort looking castle of some sort. Was the home on some of the most well-known and most hated royal family members of the history of France. Most notable King Louis the 14, and 17. And the queen her self Marie Antoinette.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    The war against the people and the royals. After many years of high taxes and hiarcys the people had enough. The went on a rampage killing all the nobles, royals, and figures of high authority.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    The Storming of the Bastille was when revolutionaries stormed and seized control of the medieval armory, fortress, and prison known as the Bastille. That held armor, weapons, and ammunition that the rioters needed. It's is know as the beginning of the French revolution.
  • The Death of Louis 16 and Marie Antoinette

    The people of France put the King and Queen on trial. It was avoiusly rigged and the King and Queen lost the trial. The Rulers of France were sentenced to death by guillotine and were executed.