World History Timeline

  • Period: 1300 to

    The Renaissance

    When the world started to learn about music and art
  • Period: 1418 to

    European Exploration

    When the Europeans discovered the New World
  • 1434

    Prince Henry of Portugal first to explore Cape Bojabor

    Prince Henry of Portugal first to explore Cape Bojabor
    It was his first exploration
  • 1439

    Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press

    Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press
    He was the first European to print the bible.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus "discovers" America

    Christopher Columbus "discovers" America
    He was not the first person in America Native Americans were
  • 1498

    Vasco da Gama completes his voyage to India

    Vasco da Gama completes his voyage to India
    He is the first European to do this
  • Period: 1500 to

    Absolute Monarchies

    When Kings and Queens had absolute power where they ruled
  • 1503

    Leonardo da Vinci paints the Mona Lisa

    Leonardo da Vinci paints the Mona Lisa
    It became well known all over the world and I still one of the most well known paintings
  • 1504

    Michelangelo sculpted David

    Michelangelo sculpted David
    He created a new piece of art that everyone loved and it became very popular.
  • 1508

    Nicolaus Copernicus developed the heliocentric model

    Nicolaus Copernicus developed the heliocentric model
    It was the first accurate solar system
  • 1513

    Francisco Pizarro helped discover the Pacific Ocean

    Francisco Pizarro helped discover the Pacific Ocean
    He was on the crew Yasco Nunez de Baiboa
  • 1517

    Desiderius Erasmus published many books

    Desiderius Erasmus published many books
    Doing this created a name for himself
  • Period: 1517 to

    The Reformation

    When people were strong on different political views and beliefs
  • 1520

    Ferdinand Magellan saw the Pacific Ocean

    Ferdinand Magellan saw the Pacific Ocean
    He was the first European to see the Pacific Ocean
  • 1521

    Hernan Cortez defeated the Aztec's

    Hernan Cortez defeated the Aztec's
    He took over their empire
  • 1533

    Henry VIII broke with the church

    Henry VIII broke with the church
    He married a woman in secret from the church
  • 1534

    Jacques Cartier discovers new land

    Jacques Cartier discovers new land
    It was his first exploration
  • 1540

    St. Ignatius de Loyola

    St. Ignatius de Loyola
    He established the Jesuit order
  • Period: 1543 to

    The Scientific Revolution

    When world started to learn more about science and it worked in every day life
  • 1555

    John Calvin became a leader of Geneva

    John Calvin became a leader of Geneva
    He was given absolute supremacy
  • 1558

    Elizabeth I took the throne of England

    Elizabeth I took the throne of England
    She was in charge now and made a lot of changes.
  • 1575

    Miguel de Cervantes published La Galatea

    Miguel de Cervantes published La Galatea
    This was his first book he wrote
  • 1577

    Francis Drake sets out from Plymsuth

    Francis Drake sets out from Plymsuth
    He did this to raid the Spanish and explore the pacific
  • William Shakespeare wrote Henry VI, Part one

    William Shakespeare wrote Henry VI, Part one
    This was the first play he wrote
  • Johannes Kepler he invited the laws of Palnetary motion

    Johannes Kepler he invited the laws of Palnetary motion
    He was the to see this
  • Galileo Galilei has a problem with the heliocentric model

    Galileo Galilei has a problem with the heliocentric model
    He does not like the idea of the model
  • William Harvey was James I's physician

    William Harvey was James I's physician
    He was a very good doctor
  • Charles I was crowned King of three countries

    Charles I was crowned King of three countries
    The countries were England, Scotland, and Ireland
  • Period: to

    English Civil War

    It was a series of armed conflicts and political machinations between Parliamentarians and Royalists
  • Oliver Cromwell launched an attack

    Oliver Cromwell launched an attack
    The attack was on Charles I
  • Thomas Hobbes published the Leviathan

    Thomas Hobbes published the Leviathan
    He put his ideas in this book
  • Charles II he became King of England

    Charles II he became King of England
    He was crown King
  • Louis XIV becomes King of France

    Louis XIV becomes King of France
    He was crowned
  • John Locke writes the two treatises on government

    John Locke writes the two treatises on government
    He became famous for this book
  • Isaac Newton completes calculation on gravity

    Isaac Newton completes calculation on gravity
    He figured out why we have gravity
  • Period: to

    The Enlightenment

    When People had their ideas of how the world should be
  • Period: to

    The Glorious Revolution

    Was when they over threw King James II
  • William and Mary became joint monarch

    William and Mary became joint monarch
    They were monarchs of England, Scotland, and Ireland
  • Peter the Great defeated the Swedish army

    Peter the Great defeated the Swedish army
    He was a very good military leader
  • Frederick the Great becomes King

    Frederick the Great becomes King
    He became King of Prussia
  • Louis XVI becomes King of France

    Louis XVI becomes King of France
    He was crowned King
  • Baron de Montequieu published The Spirit of Laws

    Baron de Montequieu published The Spirit of Laws
    He was well known for writing this book
  • Voltaire writes Candide

    Voltaire writes Candide
    He became very well known for writing this book
  • Jean Jacques Rousseau published The Social Contract

    Jean Jacques Rousseau published The Social Contract
    He became very well known for writing this book
  • Period: to

    The French Revolution

    When the people of France over throw the government
  • Storming of the Bastille

    When people of France took over the Bastille Starting the French Revolution
  • Napoleon Bonaparte became emperor of France

    Napoleon Bonaparte became emperor of France
    He crowned himself
  • Eugene Delacroix Paints Liberty Leading the People

    Eugene Delacroix Paints Liberty Leading the People
    He made a famous painting