Feudalism, The Crusades, the Bubonic Plague, and the Renaissance Timeline (Ms. Wood World History)
Roman Empire Fell
A power vacuum was caused, and resulted in the creation of small kingdoms throughout Europe. -
Period: 570 to Jan 1, 622
Initial Spread of Islam
Muhammad was born and Islam was created, spreading throughout the Middle East. -
Islamic Mosque
Period: Jan 1, 661 to Jan 1, 1258
Islamic Golden Age
Over the spread of two Islamic Empires, art, math, and the sciences blossomed in the Middle East. -
Period: Jan 1, 661 to Jan 1, 750
Umayyad Empire
Period: Jan 1, 750 to Jan 1, 1258
Abbasid Empire
Period: Jan 1, 1000 to Jan 1, 1150
Population Growth Throughout Europe
Period: Jan 1, 1090 to Jan 1, 1400
The Crusades
The Crusades opened new trade routes for European traders. -
Period: Jan 1, 1096 to Jan 1, 1099
The First Crusade
Period: Jan 1, 1147 to Jan 1, 1149
The Second Crusade
Period: Jan 1, 1189 to Jan 1, 1191
The Third Crusade
Period: Jan 1, 1202 to Jan 1, 1204
The Fourth Crusade
The last of the major crusades, that ended up sacking Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire. -
Period: Jan 1, 1300 to Jan 1, 1450
Spread of the Bubonic Plague
The Bubonic Plague spread across Asia to Europe and Africa. -
Period: Jan 1, 1300 to
The Renaissance
The Renaissance begins in Italy, causing the flourishing of the arts and sciences in Europe. -
Period: Jan 1, 1347 to Jan 1, 1349
Bubonic Plague hits Europe
The Bubonic Plague reaches Europe, killing 20 to 25 million people. -
Period: Jan 1, 1435 to Jan 1, 1455
The Renaissance spreads to Northern Europe
Period: Jan 1, 1440 to Jan 1, 1455
Creation of the Printing Press
The Printing Press is created by Johann Gutenberg, allowing books to be printed quicker and cheaper than ever before, facilitating in the spread of Humanism across Europe. -
Jan 1, 1445
Printing Press