
World History Timeline

  • Indian National Conference

    Indian National Conference
    This was organized by the middle class living in India. They were trying to peacefully demand independence. Ghandi was a well known leader figure in this movement.
  • Armenian Genocide

    Armenian Genocide
    Worst Genocide until the Holocaust. It was a systematic genocide of the Armenian people. Around 1.5 million people died
  • Indian Parliament Established

    Indian Parliament Established
    Only the richest people in India were allowed to vote. The people stood up for this and told the government that this wasn't fair. The government was re organized and a Parliament was established.
  • The Chinese Civil War

    The Chinese Civil War
    The Chinese Civil War was fought between the Kuomintang-led government of the Republic of China and the forces of the Chinese Communist Party, with armed conflict continuing intermittently. It was also known as the Chinese revolution. The communists win.
  • British expands voter eligibility

    British expands voter eligibility
    In Britain many people were not able to vote based on different things. Color of their skin, what they believed in, religion, or sex were some of the reasons they couldn't vote. This act would change that and about half of the population will now be able to vote.
  • Muhammad Ali Jinnah Becomes leader

    Muhammad Ali Jinnah Becomes leader
    Muhammad Ali Jinnah became the leader of the Muslim league. He fought for a separate Muslim state and demanded this from other countries. This will eventually lead to the Partition of India.
  • The Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine
    Was signed by President Truman. It was $400 million in aid for Greece and Turkey. Provided aid to countries threatened by communist expansion.
  • Partition of India

    Partition of India
    Pre-British colonization, India was composed of Hindus and Muslims with unique religious and cultural traditions, their own form of government/language.When colonized by Britain, everything changed.
  • Ghandi Shot and Killed

    Ghandi Shot and Killed
    Ghandi, who was very well known for his influence was shot dead. Some people disagreed with him and wanted him gone and this ultimately lead to his death. He is still well known for his influence today.
  • Soviet Domination of Eastern Europe

    Soviet Domination of Eastern Europe
    During this time Eastern Europe was being dominated by communist parties in each country. Yugoslavia was one of the biggest countries that was dominating Europe.
  • Arms Race

    Arms Race
    The USSR detonates the first ever nuclear weapon. This is a turning point in the world in modern weaponization. Now bombs are being made and can kill thousands of people in just one area.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    The Korean war was fought between North and South Korea. There was no clear winner of this war and the war between the two is still happening today. The armistice line separates the two.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    The Warsaw Pact, formally the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance, was a collective defense treaty signed in Warsaw. It was between the Soviet Union and seven other eastern blocs.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War was an armed conflict in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia fought between North Vietnam and South Vietnam and their allies. North was supported by the Soviet Union. South was supported by the United States.
  • Berlin Wall construction starts

    Berlin Wall construction starts
    The wall was built to stop people from leaving. People still wanted to leave but nearly everyone who tried was killed. In total there was around 80 deaths of people trying to escape.
  • Civil War Breaks Out

    Civil War Breaks Out
    Civil war begins between East and West Pakistan. This war will separate between east and west and we end up with Pakistan and Bangladesh.
  • Decline of the Soviet Union

    Decline of the Soviet Union
    Soviet Union Invaded Afghanistan. Leonid Brezhnev tried to ease the tensions between the countries. The Berlin wall falls and the Cold war comes to an end.
  • Slovenia Gains Independence

    Slovenia Gains Independence
    Slovenia starts to become more wealthier and developed as a country. It was the first republic to demand full independence.
  • War in Bosnia

    War in Bosnia
    The Bosnian War was an international armed conflict that took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina. There were several earlier violent incidents that led to this war.
  • 3 year War in Rawanda

    3 year War in Rawanda
    This was a 3 year civil war within Rawanda. It happened due to a transition within the government.