World History Timeline

  • Navigation acts

    Passes out in order to regulate calling all the trade in value factoring and smuggling was common
  • Stand act

    Put taxes on items like newspaper and pamphlets
  • Boston massacre

    British soldiers open fire on a group of colonist throwing rocks/snowballs at them.
  • Tea act

    The tea act was passed with no intent of raising a tax on the qualities
  • Boston tea party

    Colonist were a protest in the recent tax out on Tea

    Consisted the things such as the porch bill which closed Boston port
  • First continental congress

    Representing gather 12 other colonies from Philadelphia to discuss how to respond to the events that happened in Boston
  • Lexington and Concord

    This was the beginning of American revolution, the colonist and British troops first crash, this resulted in the second continental Congress.
  • Second continental Congress

    They met shortly after Lexington in Concord and also they set up a continental army with George Washington Being in charge
  • Lexington and Concord

    This was the beginning of the American revolution
  • French and Indian war ends

    French and Indian war endThe war ultimately ended with the treaty of Paris in 1763 that caused Great Britain To gain a lot of territory in the North America
  • Declaration of independence adopted

    When the Declaration of Independence what is first issued it officially stated that the United States does Shin disconnection politically and with great Britain. This is what I do with the end of the United States in the independent
  • Battle of Saratoga

    The battle of Saratoga was the first major turning point of the American revolution, as the Americans Beat the British. This had caused the French to join American army, providing them with needed suppliers and soldiers
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Continental troops was suffering at Valley Forge in the winter from 1777 through 1778. Factors such as coal, along with hunger and diseases.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    George Washington forced the British army surrender that caused the British their downfall.
  • US constitution

    Do US Constitution was he said series of Chase and balances. With this each branch of government was able to monitor and limit the powers of other government branches.