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  • First British colony in America

    In Jamestone, Virginia, the first colony was installed, which was permanently established in the United States, being the first successful colony. They were located there with the intention of protecting themselves from the attacks of the Spanish, and the indigenous people of Powhatan (it was an American tribe)
  • The first colonial government

    It is established in Jamestown, Virginia and it is the first English representative government, in addition to the first arrival of Africans to America, these colonies brought many changes to the United States, some temporary and others permanent, such as the cultivation of tobacco, and the slavery of African Americans.
  • The Massachusetts Bay School Law

    It requires that parents ensure their children know the principles of religion and the capital laws of the commonwealth. I would be able to get education for school.
  • William Penn founds Pennsylvania

    William Penn founds Pennsylvania
    Pennsylvania is founded, and in this Philadelphia, which becomes the largest colonial city in America, when William Penn founded this colony, he wanted it to be a free colony in terms of cultural aspects such as religion.
  • The Massachusetts Law of 1647

    It decrees that every town of at least 50 families hire a schoolmaster who would teach the town's children to read and write. it is important for me to go to college.
  • Henry Clinton's birth date

    Biritsh politician and military man
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    Abigail Adams

    Former first lady of the United States
  • Seven years' war

    Seven years' war
    France and Spain fight against Great Britain for the territories of North America
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    Seven Years' War

  • When Clinton was sent to the Seven Years' War

  • Great Britain defeats France in the fight for control of North America

    A struggle for control of North America is generated, because at that time power was determined by the amount of land owned, and discovering America opens up the possibility of dominating more lands, thus generating "wars" for power. To win the fight, both countries did their best, even bringing in armies from Britain.
  • End of the war

    The war leaves the British as winners and George III then conquers part of present-day Canada and the western lands. Newly arrived settlers populate existing cities and found new cities and towns. By fighting the Indians, the crown helps create new opportunities for the settlers. The territories are freed and filled with farms and estates that supply grain and tobacco to Great Britain.
  • The consequences of colonization

    Society is based on one principle: whites are all equal. However, it is a slave society. Still Great Britain needs its colonies to provide raw materials because it is in the process of industrialization. The young King George III intends to cover the costs of maintaining an empire by squeezing more fees and taxes from the prosperous colonies. Discontent and complaints fill the streets of the colonies but the king refuses to listen
  • The Law of the Stamp

    After the wars, the British were left with scarce assets, and seeing that America was rich in resources, they sought to take advantage of this. The British had all the power, therefore they forced the colonists to pay them, thus establishing a tax on newspapers and legal documents that ended up infuriating the Americans.
  • Boston massacre

    Boston massacre
    At the time of the British colonies there was a great rivalry between the British and the Americans, since in view of being invaded, the Americans began to defend themselves, thus generating many fights, one of the strongest, the Boston massacre. In this, they were fighting because the British did not give the Americans a voice, therefore, despite the invasion of their lands, they did not have any type of vote in society.
  • The military trial

    The settlers prosecute the military and two are found guilty of homicide. John Adams, who officiates as defense attorney, will later say that the night of the Boston massacre is the foundation of America's independence
  • The Sons of Liberty

    The Sons of Liberty is a secret association led by Samuel Adams. This does not accept that the English Parliament legislate in matters of the colonies. When in 1773 the British government approved the ''Tea Act'' or Tea Law, some 150 sons of liberty disguised themselves as Indians and threw 45 tons of tea overboard. In retaliation, the crown sends a new governor to Boston and closes the port. In spite of that, independence is already freely discussed in the newspapers of the colonies
  • Protest against British purchases

    The Tea Party was a crucial revolt for the history of the independence of the United States, it originated due to the high cost of tea (being the main product of British trade) due to a British financial crisis. This was the first step so that the Americans could become independent and begin to govern for themselves. The revolt led to the overthrow of the British imperial government, causing a civil war that lasted 8 years, to achieve the independence of the country.
  • Closure of the Boston Harbor

    In Boston, Massachusetts, in the port, a group of colonists disguised as Indians began to throw a shipment of tea into the sea, as a protest of the colonists in America against Great Britain, because the taxes were very high and this was actually considered a war for the independence of the United States to take place.
  • Battle of Lexington

    Battle of Lexington
    The Battle of Lexington marks the beginning of the American War of Independence. These events marked a point of no return in the war between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Thirteen Colonies in the context of British North America.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    The first continental congress arose from a meeting attended by representatives of almost all the British colonies. It was a body of delegates who were chosen by the legislative groups of the 13 colonies in order to approve a bill of rights and penalties, thus approving a request from the king. In both documents, it was sought that parliament had the right to regulate foreign trade but it was also defended that the colonies manage their internal affairs.
  • second continental congress

    second continental congress
    After the war of independence of the United States, a continuation of the first continental congress was proposed, in which it took charge of the military effort, which allowed moving to independence.
  • President of the Second continental congress

    John Hancock was the president of the Second Continental Congress in 1775
  • American complaints

    In July, the congress asks King George III to solve the complaints that the Americans were launching, therefore, the congress drafted a peace offer, so that in this way, the conflict they were experiencing would have an end
  • continental army organization

    Congress organized the continental army that was the center of military force during the revolution, and George Washington was credited as commander-in-chief. This happened because this being promoted strategies so that independence could be achieved in some way, therefore, Washington was one of the main heads that caused the independence of the United States. "Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a fast-growing plant." (Washington, 1799)
  • defense of american independence

    Thomas Paine, through an essay called "Common Sense", wanted to express an argument against British power towards the United States, and by then independence had already been signed, therefore he is also defending it so that people have found the real benefit.
  • Passage of the Declaration of Independence

    Passage of the Declaration of Independence
    On July 4, a declaration was drafted in Congress by the representatives for the United States, meeting in a general assembly. The British Congress approves this draft, that is, the independence of America. "When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is freedom." (Thomas Jefferson.) This phrase supports all the ideas that Jefferson proposed because he sought equality and freedom, thus ending the tyranny that existed in the Enlightenment
  • vote for independence

    Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, which had some complaints against the British government. Richard Henry Lee of Virginia asked Congress to vote for independence by representing all the American colonies in order to form their own government as they moved away from the British crown.
  • Congress votes "yes"

    Following Lee's proposal, Congress agreed, by vote, that the Declaration of Independence should be approved taking into account the general opinion of the 13 colonies
  • Signature of the Declaration

    Signature of the Declaration
    John Hancock (representative of the colony of Massachusetts) was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence, a very important document for the history of both the United States and the world in general. To highlight his signature, he wrote it in the middle of the document and in large letters, thus making it clear to the king that he was the one who had signed first.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    It was one of the most important military confrontations fought during the course of the United States War of Independence. Its outcome contributed, to a great extent, to deciding the final result of the contest in favor of the continental army.
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    Clinton as the chief of North America

  • French troops help the Americans

    In view of the power that Great Britain had, France joined the American "rebels". They helped the Americans with troops so they could win their battles more easily.
  • Battle of York Town

    It marked the end of the conflict and tilted the balance on the side of the American colonists
  • Peace talks

    After the British colonies in America, Paris, France and Great Britain were left very weak and without allies in the United States, which led them to negotiate the peace agreement
  • the treaty of paris

    The Treaty of Paris was signed on September 3, 1783 between Great Britain and the United States, which put an end to the American War of Independence and this meant that the British had the obligation to recognize some aspects to elaborate the agreement of peace. Some of these were the independence of all the North American colonies, the debts that existed between the two countries and the liberation of all the slaves
  • recognition of independence

    Great Britain recognizes the independence of the United States through the Treaty of Versailles, which seeks to end the conflict between these two countries and managed to reach agreements that benefited both parties to the treaty
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was signed between Great Britain and the United States and ended the American Revolutionary War.
  • The Constitution of the United States is approved

    The Constitution of the United States was made up of a preamble and 7 articles that were directed to the legislative, executive and judicial branches. This division of powers defended the idea proposed by Montesquieu, which was a very important influence on the text. This Constitution was finally approved in 1787 and was also based on the Charter of Human Rights.
  • Constitution

    The US Constitution was the first practical expression of the political principles of liberalism. (Illustrated Political Ideas)
  • George Washington

    George Washington
    In addition to being the first president of the United States, George Washington is considered a hero in terms of the fight for freedom and equality of Americans. "The basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and modify their government constitutions
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    First vicepresident

    John Adams
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    Migration of white settlers to the west and the founding of new states, such as Vermont, Kentucky or Tennessee
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    Second president

    John Adams
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    The Spanish American wars of independence

    The Hispanic-American wars of independence were a series of armed conflicts between 1809 and 1829, which took place in the American territories of the Spanish Empire at the beginning of the 19th century, in which the side in favor of independence, also called revolutionary or patriot, clashed. , against the side in favor of maintaining the integrity of the Spanish Monarchy
  • Wars with England

    Wars with England begin over the provinces that make up Canada, which were administered by the British crown. The North American recognition of British dominoes in Canada culminated.
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    Foundation of Indiana, Mississippi, Illinois, Alabama and Maine, after the genocide of indigenous communities due to territorial expansion.
  • John Adam's death

  • Battle with Mexico

    Battle between Mexico and USA for a bug part of the north-mexican territory.
  • Invading mexico

    The US invaded the Mexican capital and forced it to cede Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California and Nevada.