World History Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1200

    Artistic Movements- Humanism

    Artistic Movements- Humanism
    This movement was so that people would value the human life more than they use to. Also so that people didn't worry about pleasing God in every minute that they lived.
    Site: Artistic Movements of the Renaissance.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Daily Life in the Renaissance- Education

    Daily Life in the Renaissance- Education
    Education was usually reserved for the middle and upper class because they thought they deserved the most privileges and obviously because they could afford it. Once in awhile a lower classmen was able to get into the schools.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Catholic Church- Indulgences

    Catholic Church- Indulgences
    Before the Protestant Reformation, all people wanted to buy indulgences because they believed it would help a loved one reach heaven quicker. But instead, it was only a way for the church to get money from the people.
    Site: Martin Luther and Reformation
  • Jan 1, 1301

    Catholic Church- Taxing

    Catholic Church- Taxing
    In 1301 the king was trying to tax the French clergy. Because of this, the pope told the king he would be kicked out of the church if he kept this up. The king was arrested, to begin with, but was later let go.
    Site: Martin Luther and Reformation
  • Jan 1, 1301

    Catholic Church- Capital

    Catholic Church- Capital
    During the 14th century the pope, Clemens V, moved the headquarters of the church to Avignon. It was previously in the Rome.
    Site: Martin Luther and Reformation
  • Jan 1, 1321

    Artistic Movements- Literature

    Artistic Movements- Literature
    During the artistic movements of the renaissance, many great pieces of Literature came. Specifically, the Poem called "The Great Divine" was written by Dante and was about the path each soul took to achieve salvation.
    Site: Artistic Movements of the Renaissance.
  • Jan 1, 1392

    Literary Works- The Canterbury Tales

    Literary Works- The Canterbury Tales
    This is a story told by the 29 pilgirms who were going to the tomb of St. Thomas Beckett. They wrote this story because St. Thomas Beckett was the archbishop at this time and he was murdered
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Artistic Movements- Renaissance Paintings

    Artistic Movements- Renaissance Paintings
    Painters started to focus more on humans so they started painting pictures dealing with the people in each social class. The painters also focused on perspective so the paintings started to become more detailed. A popular type of paintings during this time were Frescos which helped with detail and gave a more 3-D effect.
    Site: Artistic Movements of the Renaissance
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Artistic Movements - Humanites

    Artistic Movements - Humanites
    Different subjects were starting to be taught in school. Grammar, history, philosophy, and poetry were some of the subjects taught. Many schools now teach these subjects known as the humanities.
    Site: Artistic Movements of the Renaissance
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Daily Life During the Renaissance- Dancing/Music

    Daily Life During the Renaissance- Dancing/Music
    Music and dance were another way for the people of the Renaissance to enjoy themselves. People started to learn how to play instruments like the Harpsichord and the Lute.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to Jan 1, 1500

    Daily Life During the Renaissance

    During the renaissance a trade of turkey, sweets, and potatoes was prominent. Trades were through Venice, Florence, and East Asia. Because of this trade, the renaissance ideas were spread wide.
    Site: Life During the Renaissance
  • Jan 1, 1405

    Literary Works- The Book of the City of Ladies

    Literary Works- The Book of the City of Ladies
    This was a work written by Christine de Pizan. It was about how women should be treated the same as men and should be able to get the same education and benefits that men get.
    Site: Artistic Movement of the Renaissance.
  • Jan 1, 1434

    Patrons of the Art

    Patrons of the Art
    The Medici family was a very important patron family. Cosimo was a very rich man who controlled the banks in Florence. This was a very helpful way for him and his family to be Patrons of the Art.
    Site: Medici Reading and Review
  • Jan 1, 1436

    Artistic Movements- Sculpture/Architecture

    Artistic Movements- Sculpture/Architecture
    There were many extraordinary sculptures and different types of buildings created by famous men such as Donatello and Filippo Brunelleschi. Donatello was famous for his amazing Greek and Roman sculptures. Filippo was famous for his new dome type roof. He completed his design in the year 1436.
    Site: Artistic Movements of the Renaissance
  • Jan 1, 1450

    Inventions- Anemometer

    Inventions- Anemometer
    An anemometer is a device that is able to measure wind speed. It was created by Leon Battista Alberti who happened to be involved in architecture, philosophy, and many other professions. All this is a pole that has three disks sticking out on the sides which spin when the wind blows.
  • Jan 1, 1471

    Patrons of the Art

    Patrons of the Art
    Lorenzo Medici was the grandson of Cosimo Medici and he was able to maintain the power that his family had. He was also a banker which helped him be a Patron of the Arts because he was wealthy. During his time Lorenzo was able to make Florence become a very beautiful city.
    Site: Medici Reading and Review
  • Period: Jan 1, 1483 to Jan 1, 1546

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther was a monk and taught the word of god. He had disagreements with the Catholic Church so he created the 95 theses and started the Protestant Reformation. Eventually, a denomination was named after him which was called Lutheranism.
    Site: Martin Luther and Reformation
  • Jan 1, 1495

    Inventions- Robotic Knight

    Inventions- Robotic Knight
    Leonardo da Vinci was able to create a knight that was controlled by a system of pulleys and different gears and wheels. This was known as a "precursor" to the robots of today.
  • Feb 21, 1517

    Martin Luther and Reformation- Lutheranism

    Martin Luther and Reformation- Lutheranism
    Luther had no problem with support in his new Christian denomination. Many German princes were behind him and many citizens were as well. Yet, the Lutherans and the Catholics still fought for many years.
    Site: Martin Luther and Reformation
  • Feb 22, 1517

    Scientific Discoveries- Eyeglasses

    Scientific Discoveries- Eyeglasses
    Eyeglasses were made to help people read and since the printing press was now producing many different literary works some people needed glasses. The technique for to make lenses was already made because of the telescope and microscope.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther and Reformation- 95 Theses.

    Martin Luther and Reformation- 95 Theses.
    The 95 theses were essentially arguments Martin Luther had with the Catholic Church. So he nailed these arguments to the door of the Cathedral. Martin was later asked to repent these arguments but he refused and was excommunicated.
    Site: Martin Luther and Reformation
  • Jan 1, 1543

    Scientific Discoveries- Astronomy

    Scientific Discoveries- Astronomy
    Astronomy was a very interesting subject during the renaissance because not a lot of people knew what was out there. Many intelligent men such as Copernicus and Galileo made famous discoveries. For example, Copernicus was able to find that the sun was in the center of our solar system.
  • Feb 22, 1543

    Scientific Discoveries- Heliocentric

    Scientific Discoveries- Heliocentric
    In the year 1543 Nicolaus Copernicus was able to create a model of the solar system where the sun was in the center of everything. During this time this idea was not what the church believed. The church did not like that Copernicus was trying to prove them wrong.
  • Jan 1, 1560

    Inventions- Violen

    Inventions- Violen
    The violin was a great way for people to have joy in their lives during this time. Many people agree that a person by the name of Andrea Amati was the creator of this musical instrument.
    Site:https: //
  • Literary Works- Romeo and Juliet

    Literary Works- Romeo and Juliet
    This is a play written by William Shakespeare and is about two people who love each other but their families are enemies. This play is still very famous and known around the world.