Temperance movements begin supporting abstinence from alcohol.
Period: to
1920's and prohibition
First prohibition law is passed
13 states execute the prohibition legislation
Kansas is the first state to add the prohibition into the state constitution
Anti-saloon league is formed
War Time Prohibition Act is passed to save grain during WWI
18th amendment is approved by 36 states and is enforced on a federal level
Dust Bowl and Great Depression Begin
Period: to
Great Depression and Dust Bowl
Herbert Hoover gave presidential nomination acceptance speech, and discussed the need to end the prohibition
FSRC Creation
6 million pigs are slaughtered to stabilize price
Franklin Roosevelt takes office
Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the Cullen-Harrison Act, which allows the manufacture and sale of certain alcohol
Emergency Farm Mortgage Act
Civilian Conservation Corps opens the first soil erosion control camp
prohibition is repealed with 21st amendment
ERA Acts and Creation of WPA
Shelter belt project begins
Frazier-Lemke far bankruptcy Act
Great Depression ends
Brown vs. Board of Education
Period: to
1960's and public protests
Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat
Eisenhower signs Civil Rights Act of 1957
250,000 people take part in the March on Washington for jobs and freedom
Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Malcolm X is assassinated
Selma Montgomery March
President Johnson signs Voting Rights Act of 1965
Martin Luther King, Jr is assassinated
President Johnson signs Civil Rights Act of 1968, AKA Fair Housing Act