World history timeline

  • 4004 BCE


    In Genesis 1-2:3, God created the Heavens and the Earth, all the land and ocean, animals and humanity, everything.​
  • 4004 BCE

    The Fall: Adam and Eve forced out of Eden

    Adam and Eve sinned in Genesis 3:1-24, and as a result, sin entered the world.
  • 3210 BCE

    The Flood, Tower of Babel, Sumerians, and Egyptians

    Soo a lot of stuff happened around this time. There was a crazy flood that killed everything except for the animals and people on Noah's Ark, a bunch of people tried to build to Heaven, then God mixed up their speech, and two nations of people were born.​
  • 2910 BCE

    Noah born

    ​​Noah, one of God's most faithful disciples, was born 2910 BC. He faithfully listened to God in creating the famous Noah's Ark​
  • 2018 BCE

    Abraham born

    Abraham was another one of God's most faithful disciples :3 ​
  • 2000 BCE

    assyrian empire born

  • 1990 BCE

    Pyramids appear

    they were prob built by the Egyptians or Israelites
  • 1950 BCE

    Sumerians attacked by the Elamites and Amorites

    This was the decline of the Sumerians 3:​
  • 1918 BCE

    Isaac born

    Isaac was a pretty cool bro he was the son of Abraham and Sarah. Sooo he was a miracle a gift from God bc Abraham and Sarah were like super duper old
  • 1800 BCE

    the indus river is drying out!​

  • 1766 BCE

    Shang dynasty

    These are the ones that made the first long calendar year! It was 360 days, 12 months made up of 30 days in each one!​ ​
  • 1750 BCE

    Hammurabi, king of Amorites, writes the code of law!

  • 1087 BCE

    William of Normandy conquers England

    William (duke of Normandy) became king of Normandy when he was only seven years old, since his father had died and didn’t have any other sons. Years later, William invaded England by flanking from the southeast coast of Britiain.
  • 878 BCE

    alfred the great defeating danish rulers​

    ​ Alfred the Great was the king of Wessex and later on, king of England. He fought in many wars, including the Battle of Edington, which was a war between Wessex and the Great Heathen Army, who invaded England in 878. The battle of Edington was won by the Wessex, army being led my Alfred The Great.
  • 800 BCE

    Charlegmagne Crowned​

    Charlegmagne, AKA Charles the Great, was crowned Emperor on December 25, 800. He had a good relationship with the Christian church. Charlegmagne had given them land and money and protection. To strengthen his relationship with the church, Pope Leo III crowned him the Emperor. ​
  • 732 BCE

    Battle of Tours​

    The victor of the Battle of Tours was Charles Martel. The Battle of the Tours, also called Battle of Poitiers, happened in 732 in October. The war was Frankish cities vs. Muslim invaders, and while it is hard to know exactly where it was located, most people think it was somewhere between Tours and Poitiers, which would be present day West-central France.​
  • 609 BCE

    assyrian empire ends

    It collapsed due to the assassination of Babylonians
  • 600 BCE

    Ancient Greece founded

  • 570 BCE

    Muhammad born​

    Muhammad was born around year 570, to a tribe called the Quraysh, and a clan called Hashim. He was born in a place called Mecca, and Mecca in particular was a home to a great ancient, famous sanctuary called Kaaba. Muhammad’s conception came about by a dramatic crisis, when his grandfather fails to implant sacrifice to his favorite son (Muhammad’s future father), and Muhammad’s father died about a year before his birth.​
  • 538 BCE

    Jews return to Jerusalem

  • 525 BCE

    Persians conquer Egypt

  • 500 BCE

    Nebuchadnezzar takes Jerusalem

  • 481 BCE

    Clovis Becomes King of the Franks​

    Clovis was born 466, and he died in 511. He was a ruler at a key time, during the transformation of the Roman Empire to Europe. His dynasty was called the Meroingians, and his dynasty survived for over 200 years. And although he wasnt the first king, he was their political and religious leader.​
  • 365 BCE

    Byzantine empire​

    This was basically just the​ continuation of Ancient Rome, or the Eastern side of it :3 ​
  • 250 BCE

    The Mayans and Aztects

    ​​Some of the most famous groups of people we hear about in history
  • 241 BCE

    First Punic War

    This war was the result of a dispute between Rome and Carthage. They were fighting over Sicilian city of Messina
  • 63 BCE

    Judea captured by the Roman Empire

  • 45 BCE

    Caesar becomes the dictator of Rome

    Julius Caesar was appointed dictator for a year after defeating Pompey at the Battle of Pharsalus in 48 BC
  • 44 BCE

    Caesar assasinated

    He was assassinated by a group of Senators on the Ides of March
  • 5 BCE

    Jesus born in Bethlehem

    "I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” -Luke 2:10-12
  • 401


    Feudalism was a social system. It was a law in Western Europe in between the 5th and 12th centuries. ​What it meant is that the Monarch, or leader, would give land to Tenants-In-Chief. The Tenants-In-Chief were knights who were armoured and ready​ to fight all the time. In return, the Tenants-In-Chief would give the Monarch money, prayer and advice. Then, the Sub-Tenants, who were lesser​
    knights would recieve land from the Tenants-In-Chief.
  • 988

    Christianity comes to Russia

    ​ Christianity came to Russia in 988, when Vladimir, the leader at the time, adopted Christianity because ‘God restored his sight.’ then, Vladimir and his subjects got baptized in the Russian Orthodox Church. Soon, others came to Christianity and followed the leader’s and his subjects example, getting baptized aswell.
  • 1096

    The first crusade to the holy land​

    The First Crusade happened 1096, led by Peter the Hermit. Peter was a religious priest and he led them through Germany, where they attended lots of Jewish customs and activities.They started their journey in late summer and arrived sometime around April-November, finally arriving in Constantinople ​
  • 1199

    Magna carta

    The Magna Carta was an agreement sent by the people that King John couldn't make rebellious acts and unreasonable punishments agaisnst his people. This happened in 1199-1216. King John was known for being untrustworthy and unreasonable. This rule was supposed to help prevent that
  • 1337

    ​​Start of hundreds year war between france and england

    ​The war was said to have started in 1337, when Philip VI tried to reclaim his land in Guyenne from Edward III. Edward’s response to this was the war. The war ended up lasting until 1453 when the French finally won.
  • 1340

    The black plague

    ​The Black Plague occured in the early 1340s. It started off in central asia, and went first to China, then Inida. Nobody expected it would reach Europe, but in 8 years, it had made it’s way all around. It ended up killing over 12 million people in just over 10 years
  • Period: 1400 to

    The Renaissance

  • 1445

    Johannes Gutenberg

    Johannes Gutenberg invented the first printing press in 1445.It was a revolutionary invention, since previously, the only way to get writing down in books was copying it word for word on a separate sheet of paper by hand, but once Gutenberg invented the printing press, the process would be seamless and signifigantly easier.​
  • 1451

    Some more cool people​

    Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer who is responsible for discovering America. He is often called the ‘Discoverer of a New World.’ And lots of people don’t give him credit for his voyages across the world to discover America, and in many ways this has some truth to it. He was the first Europeans to enter America, therefore has been “crowned” with the discovery title.
  • 1526

    Ghengis Khan founds the mogul empire

    Ghengis Khan was a tribal leader of a group of tribes on the coast of the Onon River. He was then elected chief, and built up the Mongol Empire in the central of Asia. The Mongol Empire was one of the largest and most successful empires in the world.
  • 1547

    Henry VIII

    ​Henry VIII, the first English monarch to be king of Ireland. He executed people he didn't really like, including two of his wives. He was led by his favorite advisor at the time, which changed regularly. He also passed laws to merge Wales into England, and his government grew because they stopped paying the Roman Catholic Church, and he instead used the money he saved from that to use it on his own enjoyment and entertainment. Later on in life, he became obese and died at the age of 55 in 1547.
  • 1558

    Elizabeth I

    ​Elizabeth I was queen of England and Ireland from November 17, 1558, until she died in 1603.Elizabeth had siblings, two of which were "competing" for the throne, to which her sister, Catholic Mary, finally got when Edward's will was set aside.But when Catholic Mary died, Elizabeth became queen after spending almost a year in prison because of suspicion of her supporting Protestant rebels.
  • 1560

    The Greatest Invention of the Renaissance​

    I think the greatest invention of the Renaissance period would be the eyeglasses. It is really great how people who had a hard time seeing before can now see perfectly, as if there was nothing different from their eyes than other people's. Also, it was called a reading stone back then because people would use them mostly when reading.​
    But glasses are now very normalized and about 75% of adults have vision problems​
    and about 64% of adults actually wear eyeglasses.
  • James Cook

    James Cook started out as a humble little farm boy. But when he was older, he turned out to be a great explorer and captain of many ships. His biggest discovery was the Hawaiian Islands. ​
  • The cause of the revolutionary war​

    Both the French and the English wanted the land of the Ohio River for it's good wildlife and economical bonuses. They were both given permission by their governments to do whatever necessary to remove the other from the land. Eventually, George Washington's army shot first, and the French initially won. Then, in 1756, the British strike back and the French end up surrendering.​
  • Best invention of the industrial revolution​

    ​In my opinion, the best invention of the Industrial Revolution was the Watt Steam Engine. It was invented in 1769. It was made in London by the Scotsman James Watt. He sold over 500 of the steam engines in a short period until they ran out of supplies for it. But I think it was the best invention because we use the same kind of technology today in steam engines!
  • ​Unification of Germany 

    During the mid-Eighteenth century, a rivalry between the Kingdom of Austria and the Kingdom of Prussia broke out.​
    Naturally, Austria was the dominant state because their ruler was deemed the Holy Roman Emperor. ​
    Prussia was the first German state to recognize the US in 1785 when it signed the Treaty of Amity and Commerce. Austria​
    didn't recognize the US until 1797. During the early 19th century, Napoleon's armies had an alliance with the German states and​
  • Unification of italy

    War broke out between Austria and the French government. The French first​
    invaded the Italian peninsula and established them as republics, which led then​
    to the Austrian and Russian armies to, in 1799, kick the French out of the Italian peninsula. ​
    Napoleon rose to power and the Italian Peninsula was conquered by the French.
  • The era of industrial revolution ​

    Can’t see when the sun goes down?​
    No biggie!​
    The brand newly invented gas light lanterns will brighten up the streets! Not only helping people see in the dark, they also provide another use for gas and metals. Created by William Murdoch in 1807, the gas light lanterns were invented in London. They made the city the most dazzling and beautiful place at night!​
  • Golda Meir

    Golda Meir was born 1898 and died 1978. She was a politician from Israel and was the fourth Prime Minister of Israel, serving from 1969 to 1974. She's Israel's first and only female head of power in history and has been described as the "Iron Lady" of Israel politics. ​
  • The Chinese revolution​

    ​It happened in 1912, when China's dynasty fell and became a republic. It was one of the most revolutionary moments in Chinese historyand happened all so suddenly yet slowly at the same time, taking many months to pass whatever treaty/law. It was about time for it to happen,as the dynasty was declining all throughout the 19th century. When China officially became a republic, the first president was Yuan Shikai
  • Period: to

    World War 1 Era

  • Indira Gandhi

    Indira Gandhi, born 1917 and died 1984 was a stateswoman and politician, who was also elected 3rd Prime Minister of India, serving from 1966 to 1977. She was also the first (and only so far) female Prime Minister of India. She was assasinated in 1977.
  • Margaret Thatcher

    Margaret Thatcher was born 1925 and passed away in 2013. She was the first female Prime Minister of the UK. She studied chemistry but also dabbled in law when she had the time, and eventually got elected to be the Prime Minister in 1979 until 1990. She was heavily against communism during her time serving and successfully reduced the influence of trade unions, and a LOT more.
  • Laura Bush

    Laura Bush, the wife of former US president George W. Bush is a bit of an underground example of a powerful female leader. One of the biggest moments I think of is during 911, she joined her husband in comforting the country. She also comforted parents who were worried about the effect the attack would have on their kids and talked frequently to the parents about ways they could comfort their children and smooth their anxiety.​
  • Indian independence​

    ​India became an independent country on August 15, 1947. The independent movement was led by Mohandas K. Gandhi, who fought strongly for Indian independence rights.The Independence Day Indian holiday is celebrated annually on Aug 15, symbolizing the end of British ruling.
  • The formation of israel ​

    It all started way back in Bible times with King Saul in about 1020 BCE. But after many​
    wars, Israel fell many times and was only built up again in 1948.​
    The land that became Israel was previously Palestine's, so Palestine was slightly displaced by them. This didn't result in any real fights or anything (for a while), which was a miracle, and the first Prime Minister, David Ben Gurion, said "anyone who does not believe in miracles is not a realist."
  • Ghana's independenece ​

    ​It happened in 1957, that Ghana became an independent country. It was the first sub-Saharan nation to break from colonial rule. The first prime minister was Kwame Nkruhmah, who ruled from 1957, 1960
  • 911

    All was normal until one day on septemember 11th, 2001, terrorists hijacked some planes which crashed and lead to over 3000 people dying, along with the twin towers in NYC.
  • COVID-19

    Of course the infamous Coronavirus gotta end it of with a bang yk fr fr