World History Timeline

By aalba74
  • Industrial Revolution Begins

    Industrial Revolution Begins
    A time in which there was an increase to manufactured goods. Significant in time, changed the aspect of how daily life went about, for example: technology, social, culture, and the economy were affected.
  • Period: to

    World History: Europe, Africa, South America

  • Expulsion of Jesuits

    The suppression of the Jesuits came after the Bourbon Reforms which the crown pursued state supremacy over the Catholic church. This in turn helps influence what most governments have since they separate government and religion from being whole.
  • Birth of Mohammad Ali of Egypt

    Birth of Mohammad Ali of Egypt
    As he grew, Muhammad rose through the political ranks because of his military skill and political acumen. He failed with his Turkish army to drive out Napoleon, which in turn had consequences for events to transpire.
  • Birth of Simon Bolivar

    Birth of Simon Bolivar
    Simon Bolivar grew up to then be a revolutionary leader in the Independence wars. During his time he was able to get Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Ecuador, and Peru to their independence.
  • Birth of Barthélemy Thimonnier

    Birth of Barthélemy Thimonnier
    The French inventor of the sewing machine, took over the process of making clothes by hand. This affected many since it gave them an efficient way to make more clothes, as well as more time to perform other tasks at the time.
  • French Campaign in Egypt and Syria

    This was part of Napoleon Bonaparte's campaign to weaken Britain's access to British India and help French trade interests. During this time the discovery of the Rosetta stone happened, was found by French soldiers.
  • Brazil's population exceeds 3 million people

    At this time the population of Brazil exceeded 3 million people. This is important because this initializes growth in a country.
  • First steam locomotive

    First steam locomotive
    The first steam locomotive was built by Richard Trevithick. This helped during this time because it was a form of transportation and a way to send supplies to places faster, helping for modern days and inspiring their form of transportation.
  • British invasions of the River plate

    British invasions of the River plate
    The British army was in Bueno Aires for 46 days before they got expelled. After this happened this led to them making an attempt to take Bueno Aires. Local militia fought the British forces, after much bloodshed the British were forced to withdraw.
  • America banned slave trade

    Slavery was still present during this period of time, the Northern part of the U.S. voted to ban the slave trade. Although slavery was still in place after the ban in the southern parts, this was a step to hlep abolish slavery.
  • Britain banned slave trade

    At this time the Slave Trade Act was proposed which included that slave trade be abolished in British colonies and that it's illegal to have slaves aboard ships. Similar to other countries, this was a process of abolishing slavery in Europe.
  • Invasion of Portugal

    Invasion of Portugal
    This military conflict was the start of the Peninsular wars which was between Napoleon and allied powers of Britain, Spain, and Portugal. During this time guerilla warfare was introduced which brought in a new tactic for warfare.
  • Rise of Zulu Kingdom

    The Zulu kingdom grew under the control of Shaka Zulu, who in his time of controlling made many military, cultural, social, and political reforms. The Zulu kingdom controlled what makes up most of Southern Africa.
  • Emperor of Brazil

    Emperor of Brazil
    Dom Pedro I was the founder and first emperor of the Brazilian empire. Eventually Dom Pedro I failure of his military forces and opposition of the Brazilian Parliament caused him to be abdictated.
  • Beethoven's last composition

    Ludwig van Beethoven brought up the status of instrumental music and was the first successful independent composer in Western musical history. The Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125 was the last piece of music that Beethoven composed and is still known to be one of the greatest classical works.
  • Braille system invented

    The system of Braille was made by Louis Braille who was completely blind. They Braille system is important to society now because it helps blind people both read and write.
  • Bolivia gains independence

    After being under Spanish colonial rule, for over 15 years would gain its independence after numerous battles. With the help of Simon Bolivar and Antonio Jose de Sucre Bolivia was able to gain independence and help shape their democracy.
  • Shaka king of Zulus Assassinated

    Shaka king of Zulus Assassinated
    Shaka Zulu, the king of the Zulu kingdom was murdered by half-brother. Dingane, his half-brother was a part of Shaka's assassination, and became king soon after. He was murdered after Shaka's reign became fearsome and was murdering Zulus.
  • Ecuador annexed Galapagos Island

    Once being annexed by Ecuador, the Galapagos Island had its settlers arrive. General José de Villamil was the first governer of the Galapagos island, the island had inhabitants that composed of farmers and artisans.
  • Irish potato famine

    Irish potato famine
    Was a period of time when there was great starvation, disease, and emigration, the people were reliant on the crop that happened to be affected at the time. Eventually the emigration led to Irish coming to America, creating diversity and spreading their culture.
  • Liberia becomes independent

    Liberia which used to be a colony declared its independence which the U.S. accepted. Some of the people that came to Liberia were freed slaves who were brought back by the American Colonization Society. Once declaring their independence, Liberia became the first Democratic Republic in African history.
  • Sepoy Mutiny

    The Sepoy's first fight for independence after they believed and feared the British were trying to convert their religion, eventually leading to a rebellion. In the end they ended the rebellion and India was incorporated into Great Britain.
  • Charles Darwin published, On the Origins of Species

    After studying for years Charles Darwin published his book which talks about natural selection and evolutionary change. His book, although it brought some controversy, sparked up some new ideas of how species come to change over time.
  • Emancipation Manifesto

    Also known as, Emancipation Reform of 1861, this liberal reform abolished serfdom. Enacted during the reign of Alexander II of Russia, the reform granted over more than 23 million people their liberty and freedom.
  • Blackbirding in South America

    Blackbirding is tricking and kidnapping people to force them into labor. On Easter Island, Peruvian slave raiders came bringing along people with disease, with this, much of the population in Easter Island declined.
  • Law of the Free Womb

    This law stated that children that were born to slaves wouldn't be a slave, they would be free. This is important since it was another step during that time to help abolish slavery.
  • Anglo-Zulu War

    This was a 6 month war between the British and the Zulus in Southern Africa. The war ended with British victory and led to the British annexation of the Zulu kingdom.
  • Battle of Isandlwana

    Battle of Isandlwana
    First major battle of Anglo-Zulu War, which was the Zulus against the British. The Zulus, who had bought firearms, won against the British forces.
  • Statue of Liberty opened

    Statue of Liberty opened
    Given to the people of the U.S. the Statue of Liberty was given as a gift from the people of France. The statue was given and recognized a symbol of freedom and democracy. standards by which the U.S. stands by.
  • Jameson Raid

    This was a botched raid against the South Africa Republic led by Leander Starr Jameson and his company. The intention of the raid was to start an uprising, but the raid was ineffective so the uprising failed to happen.