World History Historical Timeline

  • Burger King Introduces Chicken Fries

  • Pluto is no longer considered a planet

  • Apple realeses the first Iphone

  • The 44th President, Barack Obama, is the first African American Persident Elected.

  • Disney Buys Marvel Enertainment

    Honestly the compay needed it. Disney's cool factor went up in my book. This shaped me as a person because I feel like the movies got better with Disney.
  • Major Earthquake Hits Haiti (7.0) killing 200,000 people

  • Osama bin laden is killed during a raid by the US NAvy SEALs

    If you mess with America it's the last time you mess with America. The man who took the shot, his fake first name was Owen so that's pretty cool.
  • Super Storm Sandy Devastates Atlantic Coast

    This was a very bad storm. This effected me becuse my grandparents got slightly effected by the storm.
  • Edward Snowden Leaks top secret documents

    This was a real eye - opener. It was hard to believe him at the time.
  • Donald J Trump Is Elected President

    Personally, I think he is making some huge steps and I like the way things are turning out. It will be another awesome two years if he goes the way he is going.