Hobbes publishes Leviathan
this was a actical about the idea of human nature. It showed us the ideas of how we as humans will act. Not just in life but in gonverment. Or to the idea of having there right taken away from them. now lots of people us the idea of human nature to get what the want, many politcal leaders us it ti have the vote of the people. -
Two Treaties on Government
It was another ideas about how government shued be run. Which was the power shued be split between 3 parties. This idea shaped our government today. the idea was so that one party didn´t hold all the power and that the parties keep one another in cheak. This idea is us wildy thought out the world to day. -
The social contract
It was a ideas of diffret government. The idea was that a group of people up hold the right of the people. It showed us the idea that right are ever thing in government. This is not used as much because there are only some that are relevant. Do to the fact that there are some many unrelevant one this is not us as much. -
declartion of right and man and citazin
this was the supposed anwser to the revoltion. most other contryes had to go throught a revoltion befor they leaned to treat there under class and equals. -
The stormng of bastille
this was the day most pesentes storm the prison bastille for wepons to fight in the up coming war. ths showed contrey that they sould not under setimat their pesent poulation. -
Mach of versailles
it was all for women rights 7,00 women march from paris to versalles . this started more women right groupes around the world. -
The conlony "saint domingue" is abolished
This was the day that the hation people got their independeces. this showed more contryes that they could get there freedom no mater what. -
Beccaria published On Crimes and Punishments
This is a book about how crimes are out whiegh by the punishments. This showed us how the is equal punishment for every crime. to have equal then they need a way to now how sever the crime is. Now all crimes have names and a equal punishment. this was the most us idea in that century and today -
Montesquieu published the Spirit of Law
This book talked about how law was unforgiving. it showed us that we do need to have sympathy for people that get in trouble. Montesquieu published this work because he saw the unfair treatment the the law was giving people so he made this to show the people the way the law treating people. his idea was that with this work the law will be more forgiving in there punishments. Now most of his ideas are used to day -
meeting of Estates Genenarl
This was the first meeting of the estatest generl in years.They where trying to find a way fix there finacal problem