Nazi's Occupy Rhineland
Nazi leader Adolf Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles and the Locarno Pact by sending German military forces into the Rhineland, a demilitarized zone along the Rhine River in western Germany
July 1919 -
SchutzStaffel Organized
was a major paramilitary organization under Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party (NSDAP) in Nazi Germany, and later throughout German-occupied Europe during World War II April 4 1925 -
Boycott of Jewish Businesses
the Nazi leadership stages an economic boycott targeting Jewish-owned businesses and the offices of Jewish professionals.
January 1933 -
Creation of the Zigeunerlager
he Nazis and their collaborators killed tens of thousands of Sinti and Roma men, women, and children across German-occupied Europe. November of 1933 -
Hitler becomes chancellor
the Nazis won 230 governmental seats; together with the Communists, the next largest party, they made up over half of the Reichstag.
January 30 1933 -
Hitler claims emergency powers
This decree suspended the democratic aspects of the Weimar Republic and declared a state of emergency.
February 28 1933 -
Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Diseases
It affected people because of physical deformithy, epilepsy, blindness, deafness, and severe alcolholism.
July 14, 1933, -
Law against Dangerous habitual criminals
The new law allows courts to order the indefinite imprisonment of “habitual criminals” if they deem the person dangerous to society. November 24th 1933 -
Nuremberg Laws
Nuremberg Laws
The Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour prohibited marriages and extramarital intercourse between Jews and Germans, September 1935 -
Reichszentrale is created
The primary task of the Reichszentrale was the collection of data about homosexuals.
October 10 1936 -
Kristallnacht/The Night of Broken Glass
The irony is that Rath was not an anti-Semite; in fact, he was an anti-Nazi.
November 1938 -
St. Louis Ship (with Jews)
The St. Louis passengers were finally permitted to land in western European countries rather than return to Nazi Germany.
May 13th 1939 -
Germany Invades Poland
Once the German forces had plowed their way through, devastating a swath of territory, infantry moved in, picking off any remaining resistance.
September 01,1939 -
Auschwitz Opens
It impacted the jews because the nazis were basically in control of the jews
May of 1940 -
Madagascar Plan Presented
The desirable solution is: all Jews out of Europe.” That was how Franz Rademacher, head of the German Foreign Office’s “Jewish desk,” began a memo to the Nazi high command May 1940 -
Period: to
Auschwitz Opens
Auschwitz opens
It impacted the jews because the nazis were basically in control of the jews
May of 1940 -
Lodz Ghetto Opens
164,000 Jews were incarcerated in the Lodz ghetto with no electricity or water
April 30 1940 -
The Commisair order
German soldiers were ordered to shoot any political commissars who were taken prisoners. -
Einsatzgruppen Starts
Einsatzgruppen, starts
these squads ruthlessly carried out the mass murder of Soviet Jews, Roma, and political opponents.
June 1941 -
Babi Yar
More than 30000 jews were murdered
The jews were impacted because 30000 of them were murdered
September 29,1941 -
Wannsee Conference
coordinate the implementation of what they called the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question
Janurary 20 1942 -
Yellow Star for German Jews
They did so in a systematic manner, as a prelude to deporting Jews to ghettos and killing centers in German-occupied eastern Europe. September 1943 -
Dr Josef Mengele arrives at Auschwitz
In 1934, already a member of the Nazi Party, he joined the research staff of the Institute for Hereditary Biology
May 24th, 1943 -
Himmler Orders Liquid of ghettos
Himmler Orders Liquidation of ghettos
I order that all Jews still remaining in ghettos in the Ostland area be collected in concentration camps. June 21st 1943 -
Last Gassing at Auschwitz
The ss camp authorities those on the transport Other sources claim that the Nazis set fire to the buildings in "Canada" before they left.
October 1944 -
Himmler Orders Destruction of Auschwitz
Himmler Orders Destruction of Auschwitz
SS chief Heinrich Himmler orders the destruction of the Auschwitz-Birkenau gas chambers and crematoria.
November 25th 1944 -
Hitler commits Suicide
At his side were Eva Braun, whom he married only two days before their double suicide, and his dog, an Alsatian named Blondi.
April 1945 -
International Military tribunal
major Nazi German leaders on charges of crimes against peace, war crimes, crimes against humanity.
November 1945 -
Liberation of Auschwitz
it is estimated that at minimum 1.3 million people were deported to Auschwitz between 1940 and 1945; of these, at least 1.1 million were murdered. January 27th 1945 -
Adolf Eichmann Captured
Jews were impacted because The Nazis decided to exterminate Europe’s Jewish population
May 23rd ,1960 -
Period: to
Adolf eichmann captured
Jews were impacted because The Nazis decided to exterminate Europe’s Jewish population -
Dr Josef Mengele Dies
Dr Josef Mengele Dies
They determined that a man named Gerhard had died of a stroke while swimming in 1979.
February 1979