World History Ms.C

  • 1543

    Scientific Revolution started

    The significant was people started to question traditional authority
  • Feb 15, 1564

    Galileo Galilei supports the heliocentric theory

    Gave people the idea that maybe the church and the government are wrong and ANOTHER ANSWERS are possible too, maybe Galilei was right.
  • English Civil War started

  • Hobbes’s Leviathan is published

    The political theories of Thomas Hobbes had an impact on the French Revolution because it argued that peasants can't be happy while the monarchy continued to treat them unfairly.
  • English Civil War ended

  • Scientific Revolution ended

    It was a revolution in people understand and knowledge of science and people was questioning traditional authorities.
  • Glorious Revolution

  • Locke’s Two Treatises of Government is published

    In this document John Locke argued that natural rights such as life, liberty, and property are the rights everybody have and no now includes those who govern cannot take them away. And everyone should fight for their rights to be protected.
  • Enlightenment started

    People started to questioning instead of believing whatever church and the government said.
  • Diderot Publishes First Volumes of Encyclopedia

    First Volumes of Encyclopedia had a great influence on french revolution and contributed to the ideas of the French Revolution.
  • Louis XVI’s reign born

    Louis XIV was last king of French. His weakness and disability to control the control was the one of the most important causes of French revolution. He ended up executing.
  • Lexington and Concord

    It was the beginning of the American Revolution. And the American revolution was highly influence on French revolution.
  • American Revolution started

    French revolution was highly inspired by American revolution and the way they succeed to achieve their goals.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The National Assembly in France ( included the third estate) used the American Declaration of Independence as a model when drafting the DOROMAC
  • American Revolution ended

    American revolution had the greatest impact on the French Revolution. The French people saw that they can be successful against major powers too . The American Revolution was motivation for French people.
  • Enlightenment ended

    People didn't believe whatever the church said, questioning and try to answer they questions, they also started to determine themselves as a source of king's power, who have rights like life, liberty, and property which NO ONE can took them away.
  • National Assembly is formed in France

    National Assembly was the first French Revolution action. Which peasants united, because no one was listening to them. They want the king and the ones with power to listen to them.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath was significant because people decided to stay strong/ with each other into they can established a new constitution which protects they basic needs.
  • Declaration of Rights of Man

    This document was argued that all people had natural rights these rights are liberty, property, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and equal justice. This document was mainly protected white/man rights.
  • Legislative Assembly is formed in France

    Legislative Assembly was the first Constitution established after the revolution. They wanted "limited monarchy" it means they does not want to remove king completely they want to limit his power. They wanted the king to enforce the laws they make.
  • Bill of Rights signed

  • Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Women is published

    Argued we should protects women right and "equality" is for everyone regardless of their sex.
  • Louis XVI’s reign

  • Execution of Louis XVI

    National Convention which was included mostly from radicals argued that the revolution cannot be completed with the king. So they decided to remove the king. They kill him by guillotine.
  • Reign of Terror started

    Robespierre started the Reign of Terror. Reign of terror was a time when more than 400,000 insistent peasants died without justice and fair reason.
  • Execution of Marrie Antoinette

    Married's Antoinette was killed during Reign of Terror. She was one of the most hated queens of French. She was hoped to sent back to the Austria (her country) but he ended up executing as the way her husband executed (Guillotine). She became the last queen of France.
  • Reign of Terror ended

    Reign of Terror ended with Robespierre death (Guillotine). He started the Reign of Terror and his death was the end of it.
  • Napoleon’s coup

    Napoleon helped suppress a royalist insurrection against the revolutionary government in Paris and was promoted to major general.
    Took from Wikipedia