Steam Engine
Before steam power the only ways of powers were by hand, by wind, by water and by animal. the steam engine allowed iron to be transported a lot faster inpacted many industries as cotton. the steam engine powered the first locomotive that pulled 10 tons of ore and 70 people at 5 miles -
assembly line
Since it improved mass production, there was more of everything produced available to society. It also created more jobs since it required a large amount of workers and the price of vehicles dropped significantly. -
Incandecent light bulb
businesses had to shut down at dusk, travel was difficult and dangerous, and candles had a tendency to burn out over a short time it make days last as long as you can stay awake -
IMAGINE LIFE WITHOUT ice cream, fresh fruit, ice cold beer or frozen entrees. Imagine having to go to the grocer every day to make sure your food was fresh. Imagine no flowers to send to that special someone or medicines or computers. Refrigeration is the process of cooling a space or substance below environmental temperature. -
Steam boat
The main positive was they could go upstream on rivers and canals. Which made transportation of goods much more efficient and economical. They were not at the mercy of of water current, or the wind. It also cut travel time in half, and were a compliment to the railroads, both for commercial and passenger transportation -
Gas stove
The gas-burning stove has long been one of the cooking methods of those in America and other countries. There have been some dramatic changes in the styles and mechanics of the stove over time. -
William Sturgeon was an English physicist and inventor who made the first electromagnets. Electromagnet is a type of magnet in which the magnetic field is produced by the flow of electric current useful utensils like doorbells, telephones, cranes, computer disks, mobile phones, televisions and so on. Also eye surgeons, while performing operations, use electromagnetic devices to recover the patient. -
Rubber band
wearing a rubber band around your shoulder when you have very smelly arm pits it will remove at least part of the smell. also some kung-fu masters agree that wearing a rubber band on each ankle and wrist it will greatly help your kung-fu skills develop to the master level, so it helped ancient Chinese society develop, it is also rumored that the samurai used rubber bands to hold together their armor -
Steel is a crucial element in the infrastructure of all industrialized societies. Before the advent of the Bessemer process to manufacture steel, steel was expensive and was only used when no suitable alternative was available. In Ancient times steel was only used for the cutting edge of knives, swords, razors and other tools in which an extremely sharp and hard edge was required. Springs for clocks and watches also used steel. -
was the first form of wireless mass communication, not counting books. The invention of radio effected society much the same way personal computers/internet effected society when it came out. People were amazed and everyone wanted one. -
Dynamite was invented by the Swedish chemist and engineer Alfred Nobel in Krümmel is mainly used in the mining, quarrying, construction, and demolition industries, and it has had some historical usage in warfare. However the unstable nature of nitroglycerin, especially if subjected to freezing, has rendered it obsolete for military uses.It could be used to cut out rocks to search for minerals or to blast away parts of the earth that were considered in the way. However, if not careful, dynamit -
It was a source of entertainment and comunication. When the telephone was first introduced it could only be afforded by the rich as the materials needed for connection were very expensive. created by Alexander Graham -
The recordings played on such a device generally consist of wavy lines that are either scratched, engraved, or grooved onto a rotating cylinder or disc. As the cylinder or disc rotates, a stylus or needle traces the wavy lines and vibrates to reproduce the recorded sound waves. it make sonuds that confort people -
It made the world "shrink" because people can not travel to and across places which are previously inaccessible. Airplanes have also significantly reduced the time needed to travel from one country/continent to another -
Circular saw
A good circular saw is a standard workhorse tool for many people. They are portable and easy to carry around, so they tend to take the bulk of the cutting work when one is available to use. make work easyer -
The remote control marked the beginning of an era of personalization of technology.
Remote Control impacts the earth by making it more convinient so you don't need to walk to the television every time you want to change the channel. it makes us lasyer -
The two most important impacts of the Colt Revolver was its ability to allow the expansion of the American west as well as the introduction of the concept of a multi-shot firearm into the culture of America. -
The effects of heroin on society threaten Americans of every socio-economic background, geographic region, educational level, and ethnic and racial identity, the effects of drug use are often felt disproportionally -
repiting rifle
Repeating rifles were a significant advance over the preceding breech loaded single-shot rifles when used for military combat, as they allowed a much greater rate of fire. The first repeating rifle to see military service was the Windbüchse Rifle. the inpact that had was on the wars they make the shooter more accuricy and deathly no daut a new era