Hobbes Publishes Leviathan
This event was very controversial; advocate restoration of monarchy; challenged the very basis of philosophical knowledge.
This is Hobbes' most important work and one of the most influential philsophical texts in the 17th centry. Reflective of the Civil War.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/17hCDAp9868aszxznwXjWXCTWqRUgZGVuMinqXRbJz9Y/edit -
Locke Publishes Two Treaties on Government
Arguments initiate principles and ideas largely prevailed. They were arguments that concluded a party with no government that can be justified by an appeal to the divine right of kings. They discussed the rights of kings and how they are invovled in the society.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/17hCDAp9868aszxznwXjWXCTWqRUgZGVuMinqXRbJz9Y/edit -
Montesquieu Publishes The Spirit Of Laws
A treatise on political theory first published anonymously. It created separation of powers and checks and balances. Separation of powers are the powers that are given to the public and the rights you have as an individual. Checks and balances are balancing influences.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/17hCDAp9868aszxznwXjWXCTWqRUgZGVuMinqXRbJz9Y/edit -
Rousseau Published The Social Contract
It impacted history because it had a modern moral and a political theory. It included moral effects and arts and sciences. A novel on how to make the best way to establish a political community in the face of problems of society.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/17hCDAp9868aszxznwXjWXCTWqRUgZGVuMinqXRbJz9Y/edit -
Beccaria Publishes On Crimes and Punishments
A treatise written that condemned torture and the death penalty. Back then was times of torture and severe punishments. Punishment should not be an act of violence.