World History Illustrated Timeline

  • Hobbes publishes Leviathan

    Hobbes publishes Leviathan
    During the writing of this book in England, coins were reformed. "Leviathan" was written in part because of the civil war. Leviathan impacted history by questioning the government and it's ruling style. https:en// https:en//
  • Locke publishes Two Treatises on Government

    Locke publishes Two Treatises on Government
    Two Treatises on Government are treatises that attack government as well as proposing ideas for a civilized government. During that time, there was the War of Great Alliance and the first sighting of Uranus is recorded. Locke impacted history by directly attacking the government and proposing his own ideas for a better one. https:en// https:en//
  • Montesquieu published The Spirit of Laws

    Montesquieu published The Spirit of Laws
    The Spirit of Laws provides constitutional theory. At this time, Louis XV was king and he approved a 5% income tax for all citizens no matter their financial status. Montesquieu challenged politics in France and proposed the check and balance government system
  • Rousseau published The Social Contract, Emile

    Rousseau published The Social Contract, Emile
    The Social Contract, Emile theorizes about ways to establish political community and argued against monarchs. Horace de Saussure is born, a Swiss scientist creates a solar heater using the greenhouse effect. Rousseau influenced history by inspiring political reforms https:en//,_or_On_Education
  • Beccaria published On Crimes and Punishments

    Beccaria published On Crimes and Punishments
    On Crimes and Punishments analyzes and argues against capital punishment and laws concerning it. In this year there was a famine in Tuscany and 1764 was a leap year. Beccaria impacted history by being possibly the first person to question capital punishment and its laws. She also shaped some countries views of the subject https:en//