Period: to
Enlightenment Period
Publishment of Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes (www.sparknotes.com)
Leviathan argues that civil peace and social unity are best achieved by the establishment of a commonwealth through social contract. Hobbes idea is that commonwealth should be given to a high power to ensure the protection of that commonwealth. He also says that the one power should granted absolute power to keep common defense. His text attempts to prove the need of the Leviathan to keep peace and prevent civil war. The Leviathan was created by Hobbes for other governments to follow. -
Locke publishes Two Treatises on Government
Two Treatises on Government is an essay concerning The True Original Extent and the End of Civil Government. It also argues in support of the divine right of kings. The reasoning behind the creation of Two Treatises is that John Locke transferred his passions and feelings on to paper. The influence of this book is the history of thought, and the way we think about ourselves. Two Treatises was opinions of John Locke about government. (plato.stanford.edu) -
Montesquieu published The Spirit of the Laws
The Spirits of Law was written during a time where people were thinking and discussing new ideas. In the text Montesquieu examines the role of government and how it should be handled. He believed that power should be seperated into three sectors Legislative,Judicial, and Executive. The Spirit of the laws was written to argue that laws are only good if they support the general will of the people. It effected the Laws today to be for the best. (www.constitution.org) -
Rosseau publishes The Social Contract, Emile
Rosseau attempts to unite the liberty of the man and the power of the government. Rosseau also says that modern states keeps out physical freedom that is our birthright. Rosseau recomends that people should vote for now who they want but for the good of the people.He wrote this to establish a political community in the face of the problems of commercial society. The Social Contract affected America by making the government first priority the people. (www.sparknotes.com) -
Beccari published On Crimes and Punishemnts
On Crimes and Punishment was written in 1764 in Italian. Beccari talked about condemning torture and to deystroy the death penalty. He believed torture was cruel and unnecessary. On Crimes and Punishments was written to end all torture and death for no reason. This effected the world by making government try to keep criminals from commiting more crimes instead of killing and more. (www,iep.utm.edu/beccaria)