world history final project

  • 4000 BCE

    early communities and villages

    from tci West African culture includes many forms of visual art The traditional art of West Africa served a number of functions Some art objects such as fabrics and baskets satisfied everyday needs Others such as masks and sculptures were used in rituals and ceremonies or to honor ancestors spirits or royalty
  • Period: 1500 BCE to 500 BCE


    knowledge of ironworking spread and eventually reached West Africa
  • Period: 500 BCE to 200

    west african visual arts

    from TCI West African culture includes many forms of visual art The traditional art of West Africa served a number of functions Some art objects such as fabrics and baskets satisfied everyday needs Others such as masks and sculptures were used in rituals and ceremonies or to honor ancestors spirits or royalty
  • Period: 962 to


  • Period: 1055 to 1071


    1055, his descendants took control of the Abbasid dynasty's capital of Baghdad in what was then Persia, meaning that a Seljuk sultan now ruled the old Abbasid Empire.
  • Period: 1076 to 1095


    Seljuks took Jerusalem. For several years, emperors sought help from Pope Urban II. the pope called on Christians to go on a religious war to turn back the Seljuks and win control of Jerusalem and the surrounding area. The next year, the first armies set out from Europe.
  • Period: 1095 to 1291


    cursades were people who wanted to take land for themselves did well at first and then kept failing then finally stopped
  • Period: 1096 to 1099

    first crusade

    The Crusades began as a response to the threat posed by the Seljuks. Many emperors appealed to Pope Urban II for help. By 1095, the Seljuks had advanced to within 100 miles of the Byzantine capital, Constantinople.
  • Period: 1200 to 1250

    4. Muslims and the Crusades

    Muslims united to fight their common foe. The Ayyubid dynasty founded by Salah al-Din ruled Egypt and parts of Syria and Arabia until 1250.
  • Period: 1290 to 1394


    By the end of the Crusades, the Jews' place in European society had deteriorated. Jews could not hold public office, and Christians took over trading businesses that had been run by Jews. In 1290, England expelled all Jews, and France followed suit in 1394. Many Jews relocated to Eastern Europe.