World history

World History

By HP-fan
  • 3966 BCE

    The beginning

    The beginning
    God created the universe out of nothing. He created plants, animals, the sea, etc. He created everything! Creationists think that Creation happened ~3966 B.C.
  • 2910 BCE

    Noah builds the Ark

    Noah builds the Ark
    Noah gets the message from God and begins to build the ark according to what God said. Noah gets laughed at by all the other people in his town, but Noah didn't care, he just wanted to listen to what God told him to do, which is why God chose Noah!
  • 2310 BCE

    The Flood

    The Flood
    The Flood comes, and Noah and his family (along with 2 of every kind of animal) are safely shut in the ark. The rain comes down for 40 days and 40 nights.
  • 2310 BCE

    Tower of Babel

    Tower of Babel
    People are told to scatter across the earth and be fruitful, but they don't want to leave their comfort zone, so they decide to stay where they are and build a tower as tall as heaven so God will honor them. But God confuses their languages so they can't work together.
  • 2150 BCE

    Fall of the Old Kingdom in Egypt

    Fall of the Old Kingdom in Egypt
    Pharaoh Pepi II died, and not long after, the Old Kingdom collapsed, along with Pepi's Pyramid.
  • 2030 BCE

    Egyptian Middle Kingdom Rises

    Egyptian Middle Kingdom Rises
    a powerful leader named Mentuhotep II became king of southern Egypt. He launched an attack on the north and eventually reunited Egypt under one rule. This began the period of the Middle Kingdom
  • 2000 BCE

    Egyptians create an Army

    Egyptians create an Army
    The first Standing army is established by pharaoh Amenemhat I. Egypt had attempted to have an army in the past, but none were strong enough until Amenemhat I.
  • 1807 BCE

    First Female Pharaoh

    First Female Pharaoh
    In 1807 B.C., the first woman to ever rule over Egypt began her reign. Sobekneferu took charge and proved that women can be just as tough as men.
  • 1570 BCE

    New Kingdom rises in Egypt

    New Kingdom rises in Egypt
    The Middle kingdom fell in 1650 B.C. The New Kingdom began with glorious purpose!
  • 1051 BCE

    End of the New Kingdom in Egypt

    End of the New Kingdom in Egypt
    The New Kingdom ended with the reign of Smendes I.
  • 312

    Constantine comes to power

    Constantine comes to power
    Emperor Constantine will fight and move the capital of Rome to Constantinopole
  • 330

    The start of the Byzantine Empire

    The start of the Byzantine Empire
    The Byzantine Empire was a very strong force, and would later conquer the Romans and many other civilizations
  • 330

    Constantinople is made Rome's Capital

    Constantinople is made Rome's Capital
    As I said, Constantine built his own city, named it after himself, and moved the capital of Rome to it.
  • 1300

    The beginning of the Renaissance

    The beginning of the Renaissance
    The Renaissance was the turning point of technology and art
  • 1346

    Black Death

    Black Death
    Killing most of the population, the Black Death got from place to place by fleas and rats that carried the illness.
  • 1352

    The End of the Black Death

    The End of the Black Death
    Black Death finally comes to an end after killing from 25 to 50 million people
  • 1436

    The Printing Press Invented

    The Printing Press Invented
    The Printing Press changed the world forever! Printing books was so much easier, and this made books more accessible for people. The book that was printed the most with the printing press was the Bible!
  • 1453

    Rome falls

    Rome falls
    The Byzantines take over Rome by taking over Constantinople.
  • 1514

    The Reformation

    The Reformation
    The reformation was led by Martin Luther, who was going against the church and the law to give people copies of the Bible so they could know God's true word, and not the lies that the church was telling
  • First Opium War

    First Opium War
    The war between China and Britain for control of Chinese land and trade.
  • First Opium War ends

    First Opium War ends
    After years of fighting, the war is won by Great Britain
  • Second Opium War

    Second Opium War
    Britain, not satisfied, came back for more
  • End of the Opium Wars

    End of the Opium Wars
    The Opium Wars come to an end with another Great Britain victory
  • Hitler moves to Germany

    Hitler moves to Germany
    Adolf Hitler moves from his home in Austria to Germany after being rejected from Art School
  • World War I Starts

    World War I Starts
    The start of a tragic, destructive, awful war that would lead the way for all other major wars to come.
  • The United States join the Allies

    The United States join the Allies
    The US swore they wouldn't join the war, but a little over a year before it ended they joined the Allies, or France and Britain.
  • World War I Ends

    World War I Ends
    The end of what felt like an eternity of fighting, and peace came to the world. Or so we thought.
  • Treaty of Versailles signed

    Treaty of Versailles signed
    Germany is forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles, which forced them to admit that they had started the war, pay millions of dollars for damage, and limit their military to 100,000 men which led to the beginning of World War II
  • Spanish Civil War Ends

    Spanish Civil War Ends
    As World War II got crazier and more widespread, the Spanish Civil War had come to an end.
  • Nazis Invade Poland

    Nazis Invade Poland
    This led to the eventual split of Poland between Germany and Russia. More specifically, the Soviets.
  • Nazis Invade Poland

    Nazis Invade Poland
    After gaining the trust of the people of Germany, and signing many non-aggression pacts with many countries including Poland, Hitler declared war on Poland and immediately started bombing and attacking with brutal force.
  • U.S. declares neutrality

    U.S. declares neutrality
    The United States didn't want to get involved in the war, having had many losses still impacting them from World War I, they wanted to stay out of it this time around.
  • Nazis and Soviets divide Poland

    Nazis and Soviets divide Poland
    as a compromise, they divide up the land between them.
  • Period: to

    Nazi Invasions in Many Small Countries

    after the invasion of Poland, the Nazis decide to take back all the land they lost due to the Treaty of Versailles and much more. They invaded (in order) Denmark, Norway, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Yugoslavia, and Greece.
  • France is forced to sign an armistice with Nazi Germany

     France is forced to sign an armistice with Nazi Germany
    This was a peace treaty that Germany used to fool bigger countries. They had signed one with Poland, and the day after signing one with France, Bombed Poland ruthlessly, giving France the idea of what was coming their way.
  • Tripartite pact signed by Germany, Italy and Japan

    Tripartite pact signed by Germany, Italy and Japan
    the Tripartite (Axis) Pact was to help combat the Allies, but the Tripartite failed in the end to defeat the Allies.
  • the US enters WWII

    the US enters WWII
    Fighting the Nazis became the 2nd World War, and the US joined the Allies once again to combat Germany.
  • President Roosevelt signs the Lend-Lease Act

    President Roosevelt signs the Lend-Lease Act
    The Lend-Lease Act had given President Roosevelt virtually unlimited authority to direct material aid such as ammunition, tanks, airplanes, trucks, and food to the war effort in Europe without violating the nation's official position of neutrality.
  • Yugoslavia surrenders to the Nazis

    Yugoslavia surrenders to the Nazis
    Yugoslavia, a very small, vulnerable country had no choice but to surrender to the Nazis or have their country destroyed.
  • Roosevelt freezes Japanese assets in U.S.

    Roosevelt freezes Japanese assets in U.S.
    Roosevelt freezes Japanese assets in United States and suspends relations. He didn't want to help them out while they were fighting against them.
  • Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor

    Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor
    This eventually led to the United States officially joining the fight with the Allies once more.
  • Mass Murder of Jews Begins

    Mass Murder of Jews Begins
    Nazis started murdering Jews with poisonous gas. a very long, and drawn-out death for the poor Jews was what the Nazis wanted.
  • Period: to

    Japanese invade Singapore

    This was a quick invasion of Singapore but paid off well for Japan.
  • Chester Nimitz appointed Commander in Chief f the U.S. Pacific Theater

    Chester Nimitz appointed Commander in Chief f the U.S. Pacific Theater
    Admiral Chester Nimitz appointed as Commander in Chief of the U.S. Pacific theater. what an honor it is.
  • Bataan Death March Begins

    Bataan Death March Begins
    It begins as 76,000 Allied POWs including 12,000 Americans are forced to walk 60 miles under a blazing sun without food or water toward a new POW camp, resulting in over 5,000 American deaths.
  • The First Deportations; Treblinka Extermination Camp is Opened

    The First Deportations; Treblinka Extermination Camp is Opened
    First deportations from the Warsaw Ghetto to concentration camps go to the Treblinka extermination camp. Everyone who was sent to these camps was killed in some form or fashion and honestly were relieved that tey didn't have to suffer any more after their long, and painful deaths.
  • U.S. Marines repulse Japanese ground attack on Guadalcanal

    U.S. Marines repulse Japanese ground attack on Guadalcanal
    U.S. Marines repulse first major Japanese ground attack on Guadalcanal. This ends up being a very long, bloody few months of battle.
  • Japanese troops Withdraw from Guadalcanal

    Japanese troops Withdraw from Guadalcanal
    After many bloody months of fighting with the U.S., the Japanese Emperor Hirohito give his troops permission to withdraw.
  • Germans surrender at Stalingrad

    Germans surrender at Stalingrad
    the fight at Stalingrad was Hitler's first defeat. it gave people a glimmer of hope that the Nazis could be taken down.
  • Allies Take Tunisia

    Allies Take Tunisia
    Allies take over Tunisia in a welcome victory
  • Himmler orders the liquidation of all Jewish ghettos

    Himmler orders the liquidation of all Jewish ghettos
    After the invasion of Poland, they got rid of all of the Jews' houses and put them in concentration camps to work or be sent to extermination camps eventually.
  • D-Day landings

    D-Day landings
    The D-Day landings were on the Northern Coast of France and were crucial to the eventual liberation of Europe from Nazi control
  • Nazi Generals commit Suicide

    Nazi Generals commit Suicide
    After seeing their empire fall, Hitler, along with the other Nazi Generals and their families all committed suicide. Everyone in Germany rejoiced as Hitler, the man killing their friends for 1 tiny mistake, was dead.
  • Unconditional Surrender of Germany to the Allies

    Unconditional Surrender of Germany to the Allies
    This marked the start of the very steep decline of Nazi Germany. People began to look on with hope, overjoyed that this terrible reign was coming to an end.
  • Nazis Surrender

    Nazis Surrender
    After glorious success in an empire Hitler predicted would last 1000 years, just 10 years after the Nazis rose to power, they fell.
  • United Nations is Born

    United Nations is Born
    The United Nations was born to help prevent wars from breaking out in the future. Lot of good that did.
  • Containment of Russia

    Containment of Russia
    During the Cold War, the Soviet Union fell, all of the Russian Satellite States became their own countries, and Russia wasn't as frightening
  • Arms Race Between the United States & Russia

    Arms Race Between the United States & Russia
    The United States was the only one with Atomic weapons initially, but in 1949 Russia dropped an Atomic Bomb, and the arms race began. They were trying to make the most giant, most intimidating bomb to scare the other side away.
  • Development of the Hydrogen Bomb

    Development of the Hydrogen Bomb
    Edward Teller, Stanislaw M. Ulam, and other American scientists developed the first hydrogen bomb
  • Space exploration

    Space exploration
    During the Cold War, there was a race between Russia and the U.S. to see who would get to space first. Russia was the first in space, however, the United States was the first on the moon.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall, which separated communist East Germany from West Germany fell. East Germany leaders tried to calm protestors by loosening the borders and making travel easier.