world history

  • start of the industrial revolution

    started in Britain transformed manufacturing with many innovations
  • seven years war end

    seven years war end
    the seven years' war was a global conflict that went acrost 5 continents. involving most of the European power. and in 1763 Great Britain, France, Hanover, and Spain signed the treaty of pairs
  • spinning jenny

    spinning jenny
    the spinning jenny was a machine used for spinning wool or cotton. it mechanizes the spinning process; it allowed them to spin many threads at once. it had 8 different spindles powered by a single wheel and can produce 8 threads at once.
  • Haitian revolution

    the Haitian revolution was a successful uprising by self-liberated against French colonial rule. it was a series of events that led to an overthrow of the French regimen in Haiti by the Africans.
  • steam locamotive

    steam locamotive
    British mining engineer, inventor. Richard Trevithick debuted the first full scale working railway steam locomotive
  • invention of the telegraph

    invention of the telegraph
    developed by Samuel morse and other inventors the telegraph revolutionized long distance communication. it transmitted electrical signals through a wire between two stations and there was a set of dots and lines to decipher what was being sent acrost the line.
  • slavery abolishment in the British empire

    under the leadership of prime minister earl grey, abolished slavery in the British empire
  • the Crimean war

    the Crimean war was a conflict fought between the Russian empire and an alliance of the ottoman empire France and Britain. the war was rooted in power struggles over territories and religious influence in the ottoman empire
  • structural steel

    structural steel
    the use of steel instead of iron for structural was slow to start. wasn't until the development of the Bessemer process in 1855 that steel production was made efficient enough to start building out of it
  • Austro Prussian war

    the Austri Prussian war was fought by the Austrian empire and the Prussia over dominance in the German confederation. Prussia defeats Austria. and the result was Austrias exclusion from German affairs
  • Franko Prussian war

    Franko Prussian war
    it was a conflict between France under napoleon and Persian. the war came about to shifting alliances and napoleons attempts to counter British influence.
  • invention of the telephone

    invention of the telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell inventor of the telephone since his patent and demonstrations for an apparatus designed for transmitting vocal or other sounds telegraphically causing electrical undulations were successful
  • ford model T

    ford model T
    its a vehicle made by ford it was the first mass produced vehicle witch also made the cars more affordable and made car travel available.
  • triangle shirtwaist factory fire

    triangle shirtwaist factory fire
    in New York city the fire killed 146 workers. it was a largely preventable incident most of them died for no safety features and locked doors in the building and led to a series of laws being made to keep the workers safe
  • assembly line

    assembly line
    henry ford implements the first assembly line increasing production efficiency