Jan 1, 1350
Renaissance begins
The age of the Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned the period roughly from 14th to the 17th century, beginning in italy in the Late Middle Ages and later spreading to the rest of Europe. Also included a huge artistic movement -
Apr 20, 1534
The Act of Supremacy
The name, " Act of Supremacy" is givin two sepreate acts of the English Parliament, one passed in 1534 and the other in 1559. Henry VIII's Institution of the Church of England and his positioning of himself as the heaf of th Church was the beginning of the long an checkered history of Reformation in England, in which the institution of Reformed theology from the top-down brought its own set of problems. -
The Council of Trent
The Roman Cathlic declairations following the Council of Trent eliminated virtually any hope for reconiliation between the Cathlic Church served to codify Roman Cathlic theology for the next four centries, forming the Tridentine periodof Raman Cathlic. -
Bubonic Plauge Begins
The Black Pluage killed about 1.5 million people from the total 4 million in Europe in that time. Since there was no medical knowledge about the disease, there was no way of stopping it from spreading and killing -
The Early Enlightenment
The Elightenment in the 17th century was important when it incuded the Englishment Francis Bacon and Thomas Hobbs, The Frenchman Renee Descartes and the key natural Philosophers of the Scientific Revolution, including Galileo, Kepler and Leibniz. -
innovation and industrialization
Before the machanization and factories, textiles were mainly made in people's homes with merchants who often provied the raw material and basic equipment. -
The American Revolution
The Americon Revolution started in the 1750's, most colonies living in the thirteen colonies cosidered themselves to be loyal British citizens. Their were a lot of Native Americans or American Indians were drivin out of their own coloniesand began going westward, spreading, and building farms. -
Industriation moves beyond Britian
The british prohibit the export of their technology and skilled workers and they has little success in this regard. The industrial spread from Britian to around European contries, Including Belgium, France and Germany. -
Proclamation of 1763
During the French and Indian war, many Native American goups fought on the side of the French. They chose to be allies with the French Bacause they were unhappy with th British colonies taking away Native American lands -
The late Enlightenment and Beyond
This event was during the French Revolution in 1789, It was the Culmination of the high Enlightenment vision of throwing out the old authorities to remake society that was trying to make it have it own ideas and led, a decade later, to rise of napoleon. -
Meeting the Estates General
King Louis XVI was te one contolling the Eastates General, it was to solve monarchy's financial crisist. They had three classes that the Estates General had: the nobles, clergy and the rest of the population that was called the Third Estate. -
The Civil Constitution of Clergy
They had to create a new administrative and financial framwork of the french church. It was a law passed on July 12, 1790 during the French revolution, that caused the immidiate subordination of the Cathlic Church in France to the French Goverment. It reduced the number of bishops and archbishops, made the clergy paid empoyees of the goverment and reqired all members of the clergy to swear an oath of loyalty to the nation. -
Nicholas II crowded Czar of Russia
Nicholas was neither trained or inclined to rule, which did not help the autocracy he sought to perserve in an era desprate to change. He succeeded to the Russian throne upon the death of his father, Czar Alexander III, in November 1894. -
End of the Qing Dynasty
The young revolutionist of China have been influanced by the Japanese and the Western world. This causes a revolution, resulting with the fall of the Qing Dynasty and the rise of republic China. This is the end of the dynastic cycle of China, a form of regime that was in power throughout centries, and beginning of the Westernized government. China is introduced into the modern era and begins to be more involved with the West. -
The creation of the Nationalist Party
The Nationalist Party was originally a revolutionist qroup to overgrow the monarchy of China. As soon as China becomes a republic in 1912, the Nationalist Party becomes an official political Party of China. This is one of the primal political parties that supports and practices Westenized ideals, such as democracy, in China. Although this party does not become the prevailing govenment of China, this is on of the groups that helps China be united as a nation. -
First Eastern Commuist government set up in Albania
As Germany annexed Austria and moved against Czechoslovakis, Italy wHias itself becoming a second-rate member of the Axis. After Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia without notifying Missolini in advnce th Italian dictator decided in early 1939 to proceed woth his own annexation of Albania -
Surrounding Countries invade Isreael
Within hours of israel's decloration of independence, the surrounding countries launch an invasion of israel. The armies of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and iraq attack Israel. The war bcomes known as the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. -
Berlin Airlift Begins
The Soviet Union blocked all roads and rail travel to and fro West Berlin, which was located within the Soviet zone of occupation in Germay. The U.S government was shocked by the provocative Soviet move, and some in president Harry S. direct military response. -
Republic of Korea Formed
Following Japan's defeat at the end of the Second World War, the Korean Peninsula was divided along the 38th parallel between the occupying forces of the United States the Solviet Union. South Korea, having been administered by the U.S forces, was turned over to the newly-formed Republic of Korea's government, following a general election -
Democratic People's Republic of Korea Formed
The Solviet Union, having occupied the Northern half of the Korea Peininsula following Japan's defeat at the end of the Second World War in 1945, establishes a communit state lead by Kim IISung. This division occured along the 38th parallel, which would mark th boarder between North and South Korea for the duratuon of war. -
Establishment of the People's Republic of China
Mao Zedong becomes the leader of China with the CCP, declairing Beijing the PRC's capital. The PRC is still the govenment of China today. -
Upsrisings in Lhasa
Violent uprisings break out in Lhasa. Thousands are killed when the chinese try to suppress the revolt with brutality. Many Tibetans feared that the Dalai Lama would be abducted, so 300,000 of them sourrounded Potala Palace as a safeguard. A week later, the Dalai Lama fled to Northern India with the ministers. 80,000 Tibetans would follow his example. -
President Johnson Returns
Vice President Johnson returns to the United States from a visit to Southeast Asia and gives a report to Kennedy about his trip. He says that the US must help the countries to Southeast Asia -
President Meeting
The president of South Vietnam, Ngo Dihn and the US president John F Kennedy meet and Kennedy increases the number of american adviser in Vietnam from 340 to 805 -
The Cultural Revolution
Mao was trying to impose communism into everything. This resultedin the eadication the buddhist monasteries and cultural sites and artifacts. -
Hebrew Becomes the orginal language of Israel
The language largely dies out over time but is revivedin the 1900's. In 1982, becomes an official language for Israel. Hebrew and Arabic are currently official language of Israel, but it is mostly Hebrew