World History

  • 1300

    Art became more prevalent

    Art became more prevalent
    Artists became celebrities in Italy. Kings and other nobles spent tons of money to support them.
  • 1300

    The Idea of Humanism is born

    The Idea of Humanism is born
    Philosophers and thinkers started to stray away from religious principles. They instead thought in a humanist worldview (the study of world history and civilization)
  • 1300

    Italy and Europe becomes filthy rich

    Italy and Europe becomes filthy rich
    The Ottoman Empire traded with Europe heavily. Europe became wealthy in spices and currency.
  • Period: 1300 to


  • 1348

    The Black Death Took Over

    The Black Death Took Over
    The plague took over right at the renaissance's peak. A large portion of society was killed off.
  • 1517

    Martin Luther posts the 95 thesis

    Martin Luther posts the 95 thesis
    A priest named Martin Luther became tired of the current catholic church. He posted his 95 reasons to lave on the door of his church. This kickstarted the protestant religion.
  • 1550

    Absolutism starts to take hold

    Monarchs gathered large wealth and almost absolute power.
  • Period: 1550 to

    Age Of Absolutism

  • The English Government seeks to regulate American Trade

    The English Government seeks to regulate American Trade
    The British regulate trade and add taxes. The start of discord between Britain and the colonies.
  • Period: to


  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Period: to

    American Revolution

  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • The monarchy is abolished

    The monarchy is abolished
    The taking over of Bastille Ended the french monarchy for a time. It ushered in an era of constitutional rule.
  • The French draft a constitution

    The French draft a constitution
    Left without a monarch, what was left of the French government continued with their constitution.
  • War Of The First Coalition

  • Napoleon's rise to power begins

    Napoleon's rise to power begins
    Napoleon Bonaparte became general during the national convention. He swiftly silenced anyone who opposed him.
  • The term "industrial revolution" is born

    The term "industrial revolution" is born
    Found in a letter by Louis-Guillaume Otto, a french envoy. This was to confirm that France had joined the race to Industrialize.
  • War Of The Second Coalition

  • Period: to

    Napoleonic Era

  • War Of the Third Coalition

  • War Of The Fourth Coalition

  • War Of The Fifth Coalition

  • Coal mining rises

    Coal mining rises
    In the 1810s, coal mining became a popular form of energy usage. It quickly became the leading source of energy for the entire world.
  • War Of The Sixth Coalition

  • Important advances in technology are made

    By 1830, many new inventions brought advancements to industrialized society.