World History

  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Tennis Court Oath was a pledge that was signed in the early days of the French Revolution. The Third Estate declared itself to be the National Assembly. Louis XVI locked the Third Estate out of the meeting. They went to a nearby tennis court where its members stayed there until Louis gave them a constitution. 3 estates voted and the 3rd won. This is significant because Louis XVI didn't go through with his promise and their response to this started the French Revolution.
  • National Convention

    National Convention
    The French Revolution saw the French people overthrow their absolute monarchy and bring about a republic that was based on the principles of equality, liberty and fraternity. The National Convention, assembly that governed France during the most critical period of the French Revolution.The National Convention was elected to provide a new constitution for the country after the overthrow of the monarchy.
  • Death of King Louis XVI

    Death of King Louis XVI
    The Convention abolished the monarchy. As long as the royal family lived, the monarchy could be restored. The royal couple was put on trial for treason. King Louis XVI was guillotined. This sparked the events that happen during The Reign of Terror.
  • Death of Robespierre

    Death of Robespierre
    Maximilian Robespierre was Jacobin leader and one of the important figures in the French Revolution. In the later months, he was the head of Committee of Public Safety. People started to hate bloodshed and living in constant fear. As leader of the Committee of Public Safety, he started to become the face of the Reign of Terror. People blamed him and he was arrested and sent to the guillotine. This is considered the end of the reign of terror.
  • The Rosetta Stone

    The Rosetta Stone
    Discovered near the town of Rosetta in 1799 during Napoleon’s Egypt Campaign.It is a decree issued at Memphis in 196 BC on behalf of King Ptolemy V that established the divine cult of the new ruler. Three different languages: Hieroglyphics, Demotic, Ancient Greek. This is significant because this is the key to our modern understanding of Egyptian hieroglyphics.
  • Napoleon Crowned Emperor

    Napoleon Crowned Emperor
    Napoleon is crowned Emperor of France by the Pope. There is a popular story that happened when Napoleon was crowned. It’s said that he took the crown and crowned himself. This is significant because it shows he was above the power of the church. Even though this might not be true, it seems true because that was the type of person Napoleon was.
  • Napoleon divorces first wife

    Napoleon divorces first wife
    Napoleon married Josephine in 1809. She could not give him a son, which was very important to him. So, he divorced her and remarried in 1810 to Marie-Louise, who was able to give him a son. This is significant because the most important thing for a long is to have a male heir to the throne so that when he dies, his legacy could keep going on the throne.
  • Assaination of Archduke Ferdinand

    Assaination of Archduke Ferdinand
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie are shot to death by a Bosnian Serb nationalist during an official visit to the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo. Gavrilo Princip was able to shoot the royal couple at point-blank range.This event sparked a chain of reactions leading to WW1.
  • The Schlieffen Plan

    The Schlieffen Plan
    The Schlieffen plan was made in 1905 by German army general Alfred Von Schlieffen. This plan was an operational plan used by the Germans to take over France and Belgium. It was made for the purpose of avoiding a war on two fronts, one against Russia on the east, and the other against France on the west.
  • WW1 Propaganda

    WW1 Propaganda
    During World War One, propaganda was employed on a global scale. It had a significant role in keeping the people at home informed about what was occurring on the battlefields. This was also the first war in which the government systematically produced propaganda as a way to target the public and alter their opinion.
  • The Gallipoli Campaign

    The Gallipoli Campaign
    The Gallipoli Campaign took place on the Gallipoli peninsula in the Ottoman Empire. It was a joint British and French operation, attempting to capture the Ottoman capital of Constantinople and secure a sea route to Russia. The attempt failed, with heavy casualties on both sides. The campaign was considered one of the greatest victories of the Turks and was reflected on as a major
    failure by the Allies.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    Battle of Verdun was a World War I engagement in which the French repulsed a major German offensive. It was one of the longest, bloodiest, and most-ferocious battles of the war. Each side about 500,000 casualties. The casualties from Verdun and the impact the battle had on the French Army was a primary reason for the British starting the Battle of the Somme.
  • Battle of Some

    Battle of Some
    The Battle of the Somme was a battle of the First World War fought by the armies of the British Empire and French Third Republic against the German Empire.The Somme offensive began with the main objective of simply relieving the pressure on the French at Verdun. It succeeded. It hurt the Germans badly and ultimately brought America into the war. Many people agree the battle was an important step towards Allied victory in 1918.
  • Ban of Death Penalty

    Ban of Death Penalty
    Hamida Djandoubi was the last guillotine victim. He was convicted of murder. After this the death penalty was banned in France. This is significant because it was being abused and killing people for no reason.