Period: 50,000 BCE to 299 BCE
early civilizations
Period: 3200 BCE to 500 BCE
first civilizations-Africa+Asia
-Ancient Kingdoms of the Nile
-City-States of Ancient Sumer
-Egyptian Civilization
-Roots of Judaism -
Period: 2500 BCE to 256 BCE
Early Civilizations in India and China
-Cities of the Indus Valley
-Kingdoms of the Ganges
-Early civilization in China -
Period: 2000 BCE to 1 BCE
Abraham -
Period: 1750 BCE to 133 BCE
Ancient Greece
-Ancient Rome and the Rise of Christianity(509 B.C.-476 A.D.)
-Civilizations of the Americas(1400 B.C.-1570 A.D.) -
Period: 600 BCE to 550
Empires of India and China
Period: 599 BCE to 527 BCE
Mahavira Vardhamaha -
Period: 563 BCE to 483 BCE
Siddhuartha Guatama -
Period: 551 BCE to 479 BCE
Confucius -
Period: 6 BCE to 30
Jesus -
Period: 570 to Dec 25, 632
Mohammed -
Dec 24, 1347
The Black Death(1347-1350)
killed 20 million people -
Development of Watt Steam Engine
Period: to
Great Northern War
Sarist Russia vs. Swedish Empire -
Period: to
Ottoman Empire fights Russia(Russo-Turkish War)
New Orleans founded by the French in North America
Period: to
Russo-Persian War
Period: to
Anglo-Spanish War
Storming of Bastille(French Revolution)
Treaty of Versailles signed
Mussolini takes charge
World War 2 Begins
Bombing of Pearl Harbor
Battle of Midway
Bomb dropped on Hiroshima
Bomb dropped on Nagasaki
Warsaw Pact formed
North Korea attacks South Korea
America's Hydrogen Bomb
Sputnik launched
NASA Founded
Period: to
Expanding and Intensified Hemisphere Interaction
Period: to
The Rise of Europe
-continuity and change
-economics and technology
-geography and history
-political/social systems
-global interaction
-impact of the individual
-religions and value systems
-art and literature