Ottoman Empire founded
Zheng He's seven treasure missions begin
Prince Henry the Navigator's discoveries begin
Canary Islands, Cape Verde, alternate route to India -
Forbidden City
Zheng He's missions end
Constantinople taken
Prince Henry's missions end
Treaty of Tordesillas
Cabot disappeared
Portuguese treaties with Moluccas
Ibrahim Pasha dies
Newfoundland annexed
van Linschoten rounds the cape
British India Company chartered
Amboina massacre
Portuguese driven out of Malacca
Anglo-Dutch War
Portuguese driven out of Sri Lanka
Charles II and Catherine wed
Anglo-Dutch War
Anglo-Dutch War
Industrialism begins
Seven Years War begins
Seven Years War ends
Jean Jacques Rousseau wrote "Emile"
Anglo-Dutch War
French Revolution begins
French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen -
Vincent Oge returns to San Domingo; is executed
Haitian Revolution begins
Mary Wollstonecraft wrote "A Vindication of the Rights of Women"
slave trade abolished
Mount Tambora erupts
"Year without a Summer"
Auspicious Incident
Period: to
Doctrine of Lapse
Opium Wars begin
Mines Act in Great Britain
East India Company domination ends
Petition from British inhabitants of Calcutta to Parliament
Sepoy Rebellion
Queen Victoria puts India under Britain's rule
Mohammad Ali Khan arrested
was undercover and scouting for the Indian army -
Charles Darwin's "On the Origin of the Species"
Meiji Restoration begins in Japan
opening of the Suez Canal
French League of Women's Rights
Franco-Prussian War
France defeated by Prussia
English Married Women's Property Act
the term "eugenics" was coined by Francis Galton
United States obtains Pearl Harbor
Battle of Omdurman
Freud publishes "The Interpretation of Dreams"
King Kwet aPe arrested
revolt against Belgians
Period: to
United States builds Panama Canal
Kwet aPe's life spared; surrender
Korea becomes a colony