Jan 1, 1300
Neolithic Revolution
(8000 to 3000 BC Unit1 #1) This event is important because of being known for agriculture,where a shift from food gathering to food production allowing the people to remain in one location. As people remained in one location the cities develpod with a increase in population -
Jan 2, 1300
Arrival Of the Sumerians
(3300 BC Unit1#2 this event was important due to when the Sumerians arrived they built a number of cities that developed their own government with their own rulers forming a "city state" -
Jan 3, 1300
Hammurabi's Code
(1792 B.C to 1750 B.C Unit 1 #3)
This event is important becuase this was when the Hammurabi code was put to the use. These set of codes of laws is what he put together to help unify the diverse groups within his empire. Had punishments based on social class -
Jan 4, 1300
Shang Dynasty
(1700 B.C to 1027 B.C Unit1 #4)
The Shang Dynasty is a very important time in history,because it the first family of chinese rulers to leave written records. -
Jan 5, 1300
Overthown of Shang Dynasty
(1027 B.C Unit 1 #5)
This is Important,because the people( Zhou) overthrew the Shang Dynasty and established their own dynasty and adopted most of the Shang culture.They also brought new ideas to Chinese civilzation. -
Jan 6, 1300
Roman Empire Begun
(753 B.C Unit 2 #1)
The Roman Empire was founded by Romulus and Remus. After their abandonment they built a cty near the spotthat they were abandoned. Then it begun the Roman empire. -
Jan 7, 1300
Cyrus Takes Over
(550 B.C Unit1 #6)
Cyrus was the Persian King that began to conquer other kingdoms. The importance was the marking of his great legacy and his victories as he controlled an empire from the Indus rive to Anatolia His kindness toward conquered and created a great view of the empire overall. -
Jan 8, 1300
Return of Babylonians
(538 B.C Unit#1 #7)
This is important due to when the Babylonians retrned to Jerusalem since they were driven away from their homelands. Cyrus had made this possible for the Jews. As they returned this is when the Jews rebuilt their city and temple marking a great period in time becayse of Cyrus. -
Jan 9, 1300
Death of Cyrus the Great
(530 B.C Unit1 #8)
This is important event in history that marks the date of a great legendary kings death. As he died the Persian empire left behind was in Cambyses hands. He expanded the empure by conquering Egypt. -
Jan 9, 1300
Sparta Declaring War
(431 B.C Unit 2 #3)
This Is imporant beause it marks the time period where there was many conflict between Athens and Sparta,but they had brought attention to the conflict. Pressing for a war to begin and Sparta had declared was on Athens. -
Jan 9, 1300
Rome Becomes a Republic
( 509 BC Unit 2 #2)
This is important because this when Rome developed into the big city empire. Also forming a new structure of government. -
Jan 10, 1300
Laws of Twelve Tables
(449 B.C Unit 2 #4)
The Twelve Tables were law codes. They served the importance by protecting the legal,social,and civil rights. -
Jan 11, 1300
End of Peloponnesian War
(421 B.C Unit 2 #5)
The Pelopponnesian War was between the two city states of Athes and Sparta. This is important because its when the two side worn down by the war sighed a truce. -
Jan 12, 1300
Athenians Surrender
( 404 B.C Unit 2 #6)
After fighting in a long war when the Athenians were destroyed with a large amount of destrcution,everything was just done. Everything was destroyed and really had nothing much left. Its importance was after all the destruction leading to weakness led them to surrender and lose its empire,power,and wealth. -
Jan 13, 1300
Invasion Of Persia
(334 B.C Unit 2 #7)
Alexander the Great felt like he had the right to invade and conquer Persia. The importance was that he was leading over 35,000 soilders into Anatolia where he lead his troop into battle and a attack begun. -
Jan 14, 1300
Death of Alexander
(323 B.C Unit 2 #8)
Alexander wanted to unify his empire so he constructed new cities,road,and harbor and conquered Arabia,but it was to late, Alexander had got ill and passed away -
Jan 15, 1300
Byzantine Empire
( A.D 330 Unit 3 #1)
The importance is the marking of the fall of the Roman empire and Constantine made the city of Constantinople making it the new capital. -
Jan 16, 1300
Division of Roman Empire
( A.D 395 Unit 3 #2)
The empire falls and divides in half. This is important becase the eastern was based in Constitnople and the Western was based in Rome. -
Jan 17, 1300
Western Empire Falls
( A.D 476 Unit 3 #3)
As the western roman empire falls and the eastern suvived and was named the "Byzantine Empire". -
Jan 18, 1300
Justinian is King
(526 A.D. Unit 3 #4)
He reconquers parts of the fallen Western Empire (Africa and Italy, Spain). He codifies the Previous Roman Laws into one document. The Hagia Sofia is constructed. Justinian is the last emperor to use the title "Caesar". -
Jan 19, 1300
Justinians Death
( A.D 565 Unit 3 #5)
After the death of Justinianthe first greatest ruler of the Byzantine empire, the empire remained large and the most powerful in Europe. Even though they became in debt through war they were forced to heavily tax Byzantine citizensin order to keep the empire. -
Jan 20, 1300
Heraclius Becomes Emperor
(610 A.D. Unit 3 #6)
Temporary possession of Mesopotamia. The theme system is installed. The Empire's language changes to Greek. Eventual Lost of Syria, Palestine, and Egypt to Muslims. -
Jan 21, 1300
Founding of Islam Threat
(A.D 622 Unit 3 #7)
After the attacks by the Persians and Slavs it threathened the empire causing a serious threat founded by the prophet Muhammed in Mecca the holy city. This is important because it was the start of the Muslim armies assualting the Byzantine Empire. -
Jan 22, 1300
Fall of Byzantine Empire
( May 29 1453 Unit 3 #8)
Ottaman army stormed into Constantinople and lauched the last attack on the city. This was end of the Byzantine empire.