Period: 1300 to 1500
Trading really began to take off during the renaissance. The trade allowed new mixtures of goods to be travel to many new places. Many people never saw or tasted many things that are being traded. This caused the people to want more and more which grew trade to become even larger. Some of the largest trade centers were Florence and Venice.
"Life During the renaissance-Notes" -
Period: 1300 to
During the Renaissance, people started to like singing and dancing in their free time. This caused new instruments and dances to be invented. For example, the Harpsichord and the Lute are two instruments that were invented during the Renaissance. Some new dances were also invented because people like to party. Some examples of these are a Reverence, Italian Double, and the Pavane.
"Life During the Renaissance-Notes" -
Papal Schism (Pre Reformation)
The Papal Schism happened in 1301 and is when the king tried to tax the French church. When the pope tried to stop the taxes by threatening to excommunicate the king from the church, the king had the pope arrested. During this time many people felt the church was being run by the French king.
"Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation-Notes" -
The Divine Comedy
The Divine Comedy was written in 1320 by Dante. This poem is a very long poem split into three parts. It is said to be one of the greatest works ever. It is about the journey of souls to salvation. Dante goes through a journey through Hell, Purgatory, and heaven.
"Artistic Movements of the Renaissance-Notes"
"https://www.britannica.com/topic/The-Divine-Comedy" -
Firearms Invented
Gunpowder was invented by the Chinese and it expanded to Europe. The first gun was invented in 1364 and was called the matchlock. The two guns during the renaissance were the matchlock and wheellock.
"Gages Invention Project" -
Three Popes (Pre Reformation)
After Clement V moved the church headquarters to Avignon, six popes after him lived in Avignon. Then one Pope named Gregory moved the headquarters back to Rome in 1377. After Gregory died the new pope was disliked strongly by the Cardinals so they elected a new pope. Then another church did not like those two popes so they elected a third pope.
"Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation-Notes" -
The Canterbury Tales
The Canterbury tales were written in 1392 by Geoffry Chaucer. They are a collection of tales told by 29 different pilgrims. They are going to the tomb of St. Beckett. He was an Archbishop that got murdered.
"Artistic Movements of the Renaissance-Notes" -
Period: 1400 to 1500
In the 1400s the peasants took up 85-90% of the population as a whole. They had the same roles as the middle age peasants. They on farms for very bad wages. However, many of them became free.
"Life During the Renaissance-Notes" -
Medicci Family Takes Over
The Medici Family was a wealthy family of bankers. They were so wealthy they eventually took control of Florence in 1434. Cosimo de Medici was the wealthiest European ever during his time. The grandson Lorenzo de Medici was a ver large patron of the arts.
"Italian Renaissance Notes"
"https://www.britannica.com/topic/Medici-family" -
Printing Press Invented
The Printing Press was invented in 1440 and was perfected in 1450. It was invented by Johannes Gutenberg. It was invented so that more books can be made in a faster time period. It was used a lot to print more bibles and translate them.
"https://www.history.com/topics/inventions/printing-press" -
Lorenzo de Medici is Born
Lorenzo de Medici was born on January 1, 1449, and died on April 9, 1492. Lorenzo was the grandson of Cosimo de Medici. Lorenzo was one of the wealthiest people in his family. He was the biggest Patron of the Arts which means he paid for and supported artists' paintings.
"https://www.britannica.com/biography/Lorenzo-de-Medici" -
Apr 15, 1452
Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452, and died in 1520. He painted many artworks including the Mona Lisa. Da Vinci was best known for how realistic his paintings were. He would dissect human bodies so that he could make his paintings look even more realistic.
"Artistic Movements of the Renaissance-Notes" -
Mar 6, 1475
Michelangelo was born on March 6, 1475, in the village of Caprese. He died on February 18, 1564, in Macel de'Corvi, Rome He started painting at a very young age. He was the best know for his many frescoes in the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City. Michelangelo was also a sculptor and his most famous sculpture is the statue of David. He was known for making people have perfect proportions and making them almost God-looking.
"Artistic Movements of the Renaissance-Notes" -
Martin Luther is Born
Martin Luther was born in 1483 in Germany. He lived in the city of Wittenburg, Germany for much of his adult life. Martin Luther died in 1546. Luther helped expose the church for corruption which helped cause the protestant reformation.
"Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation-Notes" -
Apr 6, 1483
Raphael was born on April 6, 1483, in Urbino, Duchy in Italy. He died on April 6 in 1520, in Rome. Raphael was best known for his Madonna's, or paintings of the virgin Mary, He was also very well known for having for intricate detail in his paintings. He was also an architect who designed palaces and some religious buildings.
"Artistic Movements of the Renaissance-Notes" -
Mona Lisa
The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci in the year 1503. The painting was a portrait of Lisa Gherardini, wife of Francesco De Giocorndo. It was an oil painting and was considered to be the new beauty standard in 1503. It is considered by many to be the most famous painting in the world. In 2019 it was said to be worth 2.67 billion dollars. It has been stolen only once in 1911
"https://medium.com" -
The Heliocentric Solar System
The heliocentric solar system was theorized in 1506 by Nicolaus Copernicus. The heliocentric solar system is the idea that the sun is the center of the solar system.
"Jacob's Invention Project" -
The Creation of Adam
Painted by Michelangelo in 1508 the Creation of Adam is one of the most well-known paintings in the world. It was painted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City Rome. It is a Fresco or a painting was done on wet plaster with water-based paint. This made it more realistic and more 3-D looking.
"Artistic Movements of the Renaissance-Notes" -
Martin's 95 Theses
On October 31, 1517, were posted on the door of the Wittenburg Cathedral. Luther was criticizing the way of the church which was not ok back then. The theses were arguments against the church. He exposed the church and Pope Leo X for being corrupt and using indulgences just for money.
"Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation-Notes" -
Problems in the Church (Pre reformation)
Before the Protestant Reformation which lasted 1517-1648, there were lots of problems within the church including corruption and politics being used in the church which was not supposed to happen. There was corruption because the church made money by letting people buy there way into the church. They also sold indulgences or little pieces of paper that supposedly helped you get out of purgatory faster.
"Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation-Notes" -
Luther Wants Change
Luther does not like the way that the church was making money off letting people buy their way into the church and by selling indulgences. So he started an argument with the church about the true form of salvation which is only having faith in Christ. Then he nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenburg Cathedral.
"Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation-Notes" -
New Religion; Lutheranism
Luther gained so many followers between 1517 and his death in 1546 that a whole new religion came about. Many of his followers agreed with him and disagreed with the teachings of the church. They started to not listen to what the pope and church had to say and dismissed the authority that the church thought they had. Through the help of the printing press, Luther translated the entire bible to German so that his followers could read it because many of them were German.
"Martin Luther-Notes" -
The microscope has helped many discover new diseases because the microscope can help people see smaller things at a microscopic scale. It was invented in 1590 by Hans Lippershey and his son.
"Joann's Invention Project" -
Flush Toilet Invented
The Flush Toilet was invented by Sir John Harrington in 1596. There was a lever that got pulled and the bottom and opened up and waste products went down the pipe into the street or into the sewer system. He invented it for Elizabeth 1 because he was the godson of her. The toilet was usually only used by royalty when it was first invented.
"Lucas's Invention Project" -
Scientific Method
This scientific method is a scientific discovery because it is used in experiments. You use reason to establish the reason and state facts. It was invented by Sir Francis Bacon in 1621.
"Anna's Invention Project"