Period: Sep 1, 1200 to
World History 2 Timeline
Jan 1, 1350
Renaissance Begins
Began in Northern Italy -
Jan 1, 1419
Prince Henry founds navigation school in Portugal
Prince Henry founded a navigation school in Portugal. -
May 29, 1453
Costantinople falls to Muslim Ottoman Turks
Ottomans conquer Constantionople after siege and renamed Istanbul. -
Aug 3, 1492
Columbus' First Voyage
Christopher Columbus, whom was Italian, was funded by Spanish monarch's, Ferdinand and Isabella. He set sail, looking for a direct sea route to Asia by going around the world. This voyage reached the Caribbean and opened the Americas for Spanish colonization. -
Jan 1, 1493
Treaty of Tordesillas
Created by Pope Alexander VI -
Jan 1, 1500
Nicolaus Coppernicus develops Heliocentric Theory
Nicolaus Coppernicus develops a model in which the Earth orbits around the Sun. -
Sep 8, 1504
Michealangelo's David
Unveiled in Florence -
Oct 1, 1506
Leonardo Da Vinci paints the Mona LIsa
Leonardo painted the Mona Lisa between 1503 and 1506, he may have continued working on it as late a 1517. -
Jan 1, 1511
Erasmus writes "Praise of Folly"
First written by Erasmus in Latin. -
Jan 1, 1512
Michealangelo's Painting of the Sistine Chapel
Michealangelo finished painting the Sistine Chapel in The Vatican -
Jan 1, 1519
Cortez conquers the Aztecs
Hernan Cortez started conquering the Aztecs in 1519 and finished in 1521. -
Jan 1, 1532
Pizzaro Conqers the Inca
Pizzaro conquers the Inca -
Shakespeare writes 'The Tragedy of Julius Caesar"
Tragedy created by William Shakespeare. Believed to have been written in 1599. Based off of Roman History. -
Johannes Keplar discovered planetary motion
Johannes Keplar discovered laws of planetary motion. He said mathematical laws govern planetary motion. Said orbits were elliptical. -
Galileo Galilei used telescope to prove Heliocentric theory
Galilo uses his telescope to disprove the Geocentric theory and prove the Heliocentric theory. -
William Harvey discovered the circulation of blood
William Harvey published " On the Motions of the Heart and Blood in Animals" -
Oliver Cromwell and the death of Charles I
Cromwell had Charles I executed for treason. -
Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan
Contained ideas such as, "In the state of nature, life would be nasty, brutish and short." Therefore people need a government/ central authority to manage behavior. -
Taj Mahal Built
Built by Emperor Shah Jahan in honor of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal, after her death. -
The restoration of Charles II
Charles II was the son of Charles I and was put on thrown by Parliament. His rule is known as the Restoration period because it restored the monarchy. -
Louis XIV builds palace of Versailles
Louis XIV builds a palace at Versailles to be a symbol of the power of France. -
Issac Newton formulated laws of gravity
Discovered the laws of gravity. -
John Lockes' Two Treatises on Government
Contained ideas such as "popular sovereignty" and "natural rights" -
Glorious Revolution (William and Mary)
William and Mary's rule was known as the Glorious Revolution because it was a predominantly nonviolent overthrow of James II. They were put on throne to replace James II for fear of a Catholic dynasty. -
English Bill of Rights
Said ruler couldn't levy taxes without Parliaments's consent, interfere with freedom of speech in Parliament, or penalize a citizen who petitions the king about grievences. -
Peter the Great builds St. Petersburg
Peter the Great builds St. Petersburg to be a seaport to Western Europe. "window to the west. -
Montesquieu's The Spirit of Law
Contained ideas such as "separation of powers" and "checks and balances" -
Jean-Jacques Rousseau's The Social Contract
Contained the idea that of "social contract", "free individuals agree to create a society and government to protect their rights" -
The American colonies win independence from England
The American colonies win independence from the rule of England. -
Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence
Declared freedom for the U.S. colonies from the rule of England. -
Storming of the Bastille
People gathered weapons in order to defend Paris against the Kings Swiss mercenary army. Also known as French Independence Day. -
Death of Louis XVI
Louis was tried for treason by the National Convention, found guilty and sentenced to death. -
Reign of Terror
As many as 40,000 people were executed. -
Napoleon becomes Emperor
Was approved in vote and later declares himself as Emperor of France. -
Napoleon dies
Died of stomach cancer. -
Congress of Viena Meets
Series of meetings of European leaders held between 1814 and 1815. Goal was to restore Europe to the way it existed before Napoleonic rule.