World History 2 - 2

By 4020972
  • 1215

    The Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta
    It was signed establishing the foundations of English rights. Foundations of English righrs included the right to trial by a jury, Magna Carta, and common law (unwritten law based on custom or a court decision).
  • 1543

    Niicolaus Copernicus

    Niicolaus Copernicus
    Developed of the heliocentric theory. Heliocentric Theory was a changed the belief that earth is center of universe to knowledge that sun is center of universe. His incorrectly throught of orbits of planets was perfect concentric circles.
  • The Baroque Period

    The Baroque Period
    Began in art, music, and architecture (Bach and Handel were composer). Earliest manifestations which occurred in Italy, date from latter decades of the 16th century, whie in some regions, notably Germany and colonial South America, certain culminating achievements of Baroque did not occur until the 18th century.
  • The novel

    The novel
    Became a new form of literatrure (Miguel Cervantes wrote Don Quixote). The genre of novel has encompassed an extensive range of types and styles: picaresque, episolary, Gothic, romantic, realistic, historical - to name only name some of the important ones.
  • Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    He has discovered planetary motion. He was using mathematics, so he proved that orbits were elliptical and not concentric. For him the use of math as proof is an importatn part of the scientific method.
  • William Harvey

    William Harvey
    He showed that the heart acted as a pump to circulate blood throughout the body. He was King Charles I's physcian meaning his projects with animals to study human anatomy were sponsored by the king. For example when he developed an accurate theory of the heart and circulatory system, as well as a correct theory on the reproductive system.
  • Galileo

    He used the telescope to support the proof of the heliocentric theory. For example an important component of the scientific method is proving a hypothesis.
  • The Palace of Versailles

    The Palace of Versailles
    It was built under the reign of Louis XIV during his 72 years of reign. The palace itself with its lavish gardens and fountains, is a spectacular example of French classical architecture, yet The Hall of Mirrors was particularly well known.
  • The English Civil War

    The English Civil War
    It began between the Roundheads (supporters of Parliament) and the Cavaliers (supporters of the King). It does prompted further development of the rights of Englishmen. For example power struggle between English monarchy beginning withg James I of Stuart dynasty and Parliament as well.
  • Loiux XIV

    Loiux XIV
    He became the king of France who he ruled for exactly 72 years of his reign during the period of Age of Absolutism. He subdued his nobles, controlled the Church and eliminated legislative body (Estates General) in his quest to attain absolutism. For example when he ruled for 72 years and is commonly known as the "Sun KIng." Another thing was that he is also famous for the statement, "L'Etat, c'est moi" or "I am the state" although it is not certain he actually said this.
  • Charles I of England

    Charles I of England
    He was beheaded. He was charged with high reason and "other high crimes against the relam of England." He began refusing to recognize legality of court because "a king cannot be tried to sany superoir jurisdiction on earth."
  • Oliver Cromwell

    Oliver Cromwell
    He began his rule of Englad as the Lord Protector. He and his Council of State passed more than 80 ordinances embodying a constructive domestic policy. His aim was to reform the law, to setup Puritan Church, permit toleration outside, promote education, yet even decentralize administration.
  • Thomas Hobbs

    Thomas Hobbs
    Published Leviathan - social contract (people give up rights to a strong ruler who maintains power). He was one of the Two English intellectuals as a mathematician was among first ot use scientific approach to study man and his society.
  • The Restoration of Charles II

    The Restoration of Charles II
    The monarchy was put back in control in England. An unconditional nature of settlement took shape between 1660 and 1662 owed little ot Charles's intervention and must have exceeded his expectations.
  • The Westernization of Russia

    The Westernization of Russia
    It was began by Peter the Great of Russia. Its status of many peasants under feudalism, yet specifically relating to manorialism. For example it was a condition of bondage during High Middle Ages and lasted in some centuries until the mid 19th century.
  • James II

    James II
    He does become the King of England. He was brother of (Charles II) was an unpopilar King who was an open and devot Catholic. Made religion cause of conflict between Parliament and rthe King himself.
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    He published his law of gravity He developed a process known as the scientific method and used it to develop his universal laws of gravity. Another thing is that Newton's laws of gravity led to less superstition meaning more discoveries, better education, and concern by the Catholic Church.
  • William and Mary

    William and Mary
    Both became co-monarvchs of England (this is referred to as the Glorious Revolution). Group of English noblemn as Dutch leader, William of Orange (along with hius wife, Mary) to invade England. Mary was the daughter of James II's Protestant daughter. He fled from his country, and with almost no bloodshed, both William and Mary assumed the throne.
  • The English Bill of Rights

    The English Bill of Rights
    It was passed laying out specific rights on Parliament and putting limits on royal power. When Parliament offered thron to William and Mary, both had to agree to English Bill of Rights has laid out specific rights of Parliament and placed limits on royal power.
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    He published Two Treatise on Government - it was hist theory of "natural rights" meaninf (life, liberty, and property). He although aligned with political opposition to Stuarts and exiled in 1683 he was successful in government ciurcles upon his return to England after 1688.
  • Francois-Marie Arouet

    Francois-Marie Arouet
    Changed his name to Voltaire anf goes on to champion individual freedoms. He believed social progress could be achieved through reason and that no authority religious political or otherwise should be immune to challenge by reason
  • Peter I

    Peter I
    He became czar of Russia. He traveled as a young man and admired western socieity. For exam,ple when Russians adopted esatern cultural characteristics of wearing long robes, growing beards and eating with their hands. Peter the Great also built western'like cities, such as St. Petersburg.
  • St. Petersburg

    St. Petersburg
    It became the capital of Russia under Peter the Great. For example it was known as the second largest city of Russia and one of the world's major citites. It has also played a vital role in Russian history since its fouhnding in 1703. Another example for two centuties it was capital of the Russian Empire.
  • The Classical Period

    The Classical Period
    Began in art, music, and architecture (Hayden, Mozart, and Beethoven were composer). Origins of modern art are traditionally traced to the mid 19th century rejection of Academic tradtion in subject matter and style by certain artists and critics.
  • Montesquieu

    Published On the Spirit of Laws - detaioling serparation of powers in government. Dividing political authority into legislative, executive, and judicial powers, he asserted that, in state that most effectiuve promotes liberty, these three powers be confined different individuals or bodies meaning acting independently.
  • Jean Jacques Tousseau

    Jean Jacques Tousseau
    He wrote The Social Contract - free individuals create a society and government. The Social Contract began with sensational opening sentence: "Man os born free, and everywhere he is in chains," and proceeds argue men need not to be in chains.
  • The Age of Reason

    The Age of Reason
    It began was The Age of Reason (the Enlightenment) began. Enlightenment thinkers believed human progress was possible throigh application of scientific knowledge and reason to issues of law and goverment. Enlightenment ideas influenced leaders of American Revolution and writing of Declaration of Independence.
  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution
    Began which was heavily influenced bu the Age of Enlightenment. Another name was United States WAr of Indpendence or American Revolutionary War (1775-83) an insurrection of 13 of Great Britain's North American colonies.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    He was responsible for writing the Declaration of Indpendence. He accurately describes the longest section of the Declaration of Independence, which lists the grievances against King George III. Does not describe the following 55 words which generallt regarded as seminal statement of American political culture.
  • The US Constitution

    The US Constitution
    It was ratified on the United States. It was written during the summer of 1787 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by 55 delegates to a Constitutional Convention that was called ostensibly to amend the Articles of Confederation (1718-89).
  • The Bill of Rights

    The Bill of Rights
    The first 10 Amendments were added to the Constitution of the United States. Originally was adopted as a single unit on December 15, 1791, and constitute a collection of mutually reinforcing guarantees of individual rights and limitations on federal and state governments.
  • The Frecnh Revolution

    The Frecnh Revolution
    Begna having been influenced by the Enlightenment and the American Revolution. It had general causes common to all revolutions of the West at end of 18th century and particular cases explain why it was by far most voilent and most universally significant of these revolutions.
  • The Storming of the Bastille

    The Storming of the Bastille
    It was the symbolic start of the French Revolution. Does took place in Paris, France on July 14, 1789. This violent attack on government by people of France signaled start of the French Revolution.
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    Marked a period of mass executions during the French Revolution. With civil war spreading from the Vendee and hostile armies surrounding France on all sides, Revolutionary government decided to make "Terror" the order of the day (September 5 decree).
  • Marie Antoinette was executed

    Marie Antoinette was executed
    She as the wife of, Louis XVI of France's last king, was executed too at the guillotine as well. She was brought before the Revolutionary tribunal on October 14, 1793, and was guillotined two days later.
  • Louis XVI was executed

    Louis XVI was executed
    He was executed at the guillotine. Found guilty by the National Convention and condemned to death on January 18, 1793, by v387 votes (including 26 in favour of a debate on possibillity of postponing executions) to 334 (including 13 for death sentence with proviso that it should be suspended).
  • Edward Jenner

    Edward Jenner
    He has introduced a vaccine to prevent small pox. The vaccine he introduced to prevent small pox was called smallpox vaccine. Another thing is he observed that milkmaids who previously caught cowpox did not catch smallpox and showed inoculated vaccinia protected against inoculated variola virus.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte
    He seized power in France in a coup d'etat. In hope of consolidating his own position Fouche now suggested to Bonaparte that best way to discourage conspiracy would be to transform life consulate into a hereditary empire, but because of the fact there would be an heir.
  • All weather roads

    All weather roads
    It was created to improve year round transport and trade. Its a road that's trafficable in all weather conditions.
  • Eugene Delacroix

    Eugene Delacroix
    Began the transition of art to the Romantic School. He debut at the Paris Salon of 1822, in which he exhibited his firstr mastrerpiece, Dante and Virgil in Hell, is one of landmarks in the development of French 19th century Romantic painting.